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Thread: White Stork II

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  1. #1
    BPN Member Andreas Liedmann's Avatar
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    Default White Stork II

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    Hi folks ...
    luckily the Storks decided to start building the nest on that tree , good news for me and the population of White Storks in our area . There is only one other nest in my area , that is far away .... out of photographic reach .
    This couple has chosen a property , just in the backyard of someone .... folks do work in garden with machines etc without influencing the Storks . Just if it becomes too loud they do check whatīs going on 10 meters below .
    I will see how it does go with them ...
    The disadvantage of that site is the very busy environment in form of houses and trees , making it very difficult to get decent flight shots .... the view is either not clear or the background cluttered . They do leave and come back to the nest ... from different angles , they just appear .
    Regardless of the situation I am excited how far they go and if they can breed successfully ?!
    The sky is not very interesting ... but nothing I could have done about it

    Canon EOS 1Dx III
    EF 500 IS L II + 2 x TC

    F 9 ; Iso 2500 ; 1/2500 sec

    Processed with DT 4.6.1 and PSCC 2024 ; slight crop from top and RHS

    Thanks for looking and commenting to my previous postings

    Cheers Andreas

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