• Paypal Problems

      To all BPN Members,

      Earlier this year, BPN ownership changed hands in part. Founding and former co-owner James Shadle is gravely ill. Please include him in your prayers.

      If you have opted for recurrent payments via Paypal, we urgently need your help. Previously, james@wildflorida.net was the receiving BPN membership account.
      Please change that in your Paypal account to birdsasart@verizon.net so that we can remain solvent in these trying times.

      To help us out, please login to your Paypal account.

      Goto: "Profile -> My Money -> My Pre-Approved Payments -> Update"

      and make sure that birdsasart@verizon.net is the receiving merchant.

      If you are not able to change the payment as above, please delete the payment.

      Then, wait for BPN to alert you of an expiring membership notification.
      This will happen 3 days before your subscription expires.

      At this stage, go to the following BPN link:


      and setup a new payment, with or without a pre-approved setup.

      For all of you who don't have a PayPal account, BIRDSASART has opened the possibility to pay for membership using a BAA Store link:

      goto: https://store.birdsasart.com/shop/item.aspx?itemid=385
      complete your payment and we will activate your account to BPN Member.
      Note that when you pay throught the BAA store, you mention your BPN username or your BPN email address.

      On another note, we learned recently that all BPN generated e-mails sent to att, bell south, and many yahoo address are being summarily blocked by att/yahoo as spam (for no reason). Att does not respond to any of our requests. If you have a BPN friend with one of those addresses, please forward this e-mail to them and suggest that they change their BPN e-mail to something else. Gmail is great and free.

      Thanks a stack on all counts,

      Arthur Morris and Peter Kes
      BPN Admin.
    • Most Recent Threads

      William Dickson

      Too-Wet Too-Woo

      Thread Starter: William Dickson

      Canon R6
      f/4 400mm DO Mk2 at 560mm
      ISO 3200

      This is one from a set up, where a mouse was used as bait,

      Last Post By: Steve Kaluski Today, 03:51 AM Go to last post
      Steve Kaluski

      greater Kudu grazing in river bed

      Thread Starter: Steve Kaluski

      Subject: Male Greater Kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros)
      Location: Africa
      Camera: Canon EOS R3
      Lens: EF 500 f/4.5 MKII HH

      Last Post By: Gabriela Plesea Today, 01:54 PM Go to last post
      Steve Kaluski

      Junior learns quickly...

      Thread Starter: Steve Kaluski

      Subject: Kestrel Juvenile (Falco tinnunculus)
      Camera: Canon EOS R3
      Lens: *EF 300mm F/2.8 L IS USM II 1.4 MKIII
      Exposure: 1/2500 at

      Last Post By: Steve Kaluski Today, 03:22 AM Go to last post
      Steve Kaluski

      Juveniles have arrived!

      Thread Starter: Steve Kaluski

      Subject: Kestrel Juvenile (Falco tinnunculus)
      Camera: Canon EOS R3
      Lens: EF 500mm F/4 L IS USM II 1.4 MKIII
      Exposure: 1/2000 at f/9

      Last Post By: Steve Kaluski Today, 03:32 AM Go to last post
      Brian Sump

      King of the Thistles

      Thread Starter: Brian Sump

      A simple male Broad-tailed Hummingbird atop a plethora of colored thistleweeds.

      Audio played.


      Last Post By: William Dickson Yesterday, 04:28 PM Go to last post
      Steve Kaluski

      The advanced party

      Thread Starter: Steve Kaluski

      We spotted a herd of around 40-50 elephants of all sizes, so placing the vehicle in the hope they would pass by, but not to impede their way, we were

      Last Post By: Gabriela Plesea 07-24-2024, 07:17 AM Go to last post
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