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Thread: GBH

  1. #1
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    Default GBH

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    From my recent fishing trip to Texas, hand held from my bass boat.

    1d mk iii
    300mm 2.8L + 1.4 TC
    manual mode
    iso 320
    metering pattern at zero

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Daniel Cadieux's Avatar
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    Nice image design and comp, and I like the high-key effect you achieved. Not crazy about the inner border, and do wish for a better HA. Seems like there is an ever so slight magenta cast (check your BG compared to the forum's white column at left).
    Last edited by Daniel Cadieux; 05-11-2010 at 05:28 PM.

  3. #3
    Judy Lynn Malloch


    Really like the elegant composition and the interesting perch. The high key works well here. Many thanks for sharing.

  4. #4
    Publisher Arthur Morris's Avatar
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    Ditto Dan with a double ditto on the head angle. Folks need to learn to press the shutter button while considering the head angle.... It is the single biggest problem in the bird photos here on BPN.... Once you are aware of it, you should do much better.
    BIRDS AS ART Blog: great info and lessons, lots of images with our legendary BAA educational Captions; we will not sell you junk. 30+ years of long lens experience/e-mail with gear questions.

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  5. #5
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    I do understand and have read the posts about head angle, but in this case I was just cruisng past and took a quick shot and the HA isn't perfect. I agree, but I also sometimes think that bird photographers may be too keenly focused on head angle. Although I agree with comments, I honestly have never heard any comment about head angle when showing my pics to non-photographers. Of course, I'm not making a living by selling photos, so maybe I'm just wondering are we overly concerned about head angle?

  6. #6
    Publisher Arthur Morris's Avatar
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    For me, just me, a poor head angle ruins most images including this one. That's is my personal preference based on 28 years of experience in the art of bird photography. I state my opinions often and freely. :) As far as showing your images to friends, it's great if they like them. And there are plenty of magazines that publish images of birds featuring poor head angles. In both of these instances, folks simply do not know any better. BPN is here to educate folks and to help them to create better images (and here you agree that the head angle "isn't perfect." I guess the simple way to explain my position is to say that when the head angle is less than ideal (there is no one perfect head angle--it varies from pose to pose and image to image), that the photographer has failed to capture the bird's soul or it's true spirit; without a solid connection to the bird's eye or eyes, something huge is missing, even when you are "just cruising past." :)

    So to answer your question, no, I do not feel that the group as a whole here at BPN is overly concerned about head angle. In fact, I do believe that the amount of concern shown here is perfect; but then, I am a lover of what is.

    ps: Thanks for your interesting comments and question. I am sure that this is the first time that I have thought about why head angle is so important to me and written about it.
    BIRDS AS ART Blog: great info and lessons, lots of images with our legendary BAA educational Captions; we will not sell you junk. 30+ years of long lens experience/e-mail with gear questions.

    BIRDS AS ART Online Store: we will not sell you junk. 35 years of long lens experience. Please e-mail with gear questions.

    Check out the new SONY e-Guide and videos that I did with Patrick Sparkman here. Ten percent discount for BPN members,

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  7. #7
    Super Moderator Daniel Cadieux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joel Eade View Post
    Although I agree with comments, I honestly have never heard any comment about head angle when showing my pics to non-photographers.
    Hey Joel, thanks for your thoughts on the HA issue. I agree with what you say above...most non-photographers will oohh and aahh at any good bird photo, good HA or not (I know from experience too). For me, though, it is about perfecting my art and my growth as a bird photographer. If I know a better HA looks better, then this is what I will strive for. I most likely would have taken this image too, but I would have hoped and prayed for the heron to turn its' head a bit more, and if it did then this one would have gone to the delete bin (sorry to sound harsh here).

    Show non-photographers two images of the same bird, first one with a slighty off HA and then another with a perfect one, and most will pick the one with the better HA as their favorite...and probably without being able to put the finger on why:).

    Your image above is good, but a with better HA it would have been great!

    P.S. Artie and I were typing at the same time but I guess he's quicker on the keyboard!!
    Last edited by Daniel Cadieux; 05-12-2010 at 08:58 AM. Reason: Added additional comment.

  8. #8
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    Thanks Artie and Daniel for sharing so freely your decades of experience and knowledge. From my (relatively inexperienced) perspective, it just seems that a slightly less than perfect HA doesn't completley "ruin" a shot, while the optimum HA and good eye contact certainly does improve or enhance the capture.

    This is one of my very first GBH pictures. My experience shooting birds is only about 1-2 years and 90% in my back yard, so I sincerely appreciate getting feedback like this. Thanks guys.

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