Depending on the image and conditions, some people may choose one image but others will choose the image from the other camera as best.
Thanks Roger, that clears things up well," beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder" or "Whatever floats your boat" Most folk think I am nuts for giving up the chance to own a MKIV rather than another MKIII and I chose to buy the last brand new MKIII in Melbourne and it remains resplendent brand new in its box.

I am not blessed with the technical ability to determine what is the best camera but I am blessed to know what I like (or become accustomed to) and am quite prepared to live with my choices for better or for worse.

In my next life I hope that my education will consist of more Carpentry, Mechanics and other useful subjects rather than the one that I had learning Latin, Acient Greek, French, English Literature and European Religious History until then I will continue to read your wonderful technical posts Roger and marvel at your mind.:)