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Thread: Sunday Morning Antelope

  1. #1
    BPN Member
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    Default Sunday Morning Antelope

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    Canon 5D MarkIV 300 2.8 2X teleconvertor AV 1/400 7.1 ISO 2000 post edit in DPP4 Photoshop patch tool on some of the bigger corn stalks that I thought drew the eye away. Levels,sharpened.Even though I had information in the fifth box I added about one stop on this to get rid of a blue cast. I struggled to try and get rid of the blue with lower compensation . Just didnt work so well . In Photoshop I did several versions playing with levels. Actually did one in a high Key and sort of liked that one but had no detail in the snow and some of the other whites.So I thought I would post this one to get a better idea on my post edit Thanks and critiques wanted.

  2. #2
    BPN Member Tim Foltz's Avatar
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    Kevin, nice shot wish it had more DOF, my big question is why such high ISO? 2000 with snowy surroundings?
    You probably could have cranked up the f stop and got both animals in focus (maybe) it's hard to judge how far back the 2nd one is.
    The front one is nice and sharp, colors look good and the comp. is nice.


  3. #3
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    Both antelope were close to each other may be a little bit of an illusion . I will say two or three feet apart . Shot from the car window and I knew they weren't going to stay long. Had another car approaching. The Iso, was pretty low light and I always like as much shutter speed in case you get some action. Wish I had more time .
    Thanks Tim

  4. #4
    Wildlife Moderator Steve Kaluski's Avatar
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    Hi Kevin, I like the framing here with some 'negative' space to the right and the lowish POV, provides a nice eye contact with the viewer.

    I'm OK with the DoF, but feel you can extract a lot more from within the capture. Shooting in this environment can often throw the metering of the camera, so just be careful and keep checking your Histogram.

    No idea on the idea of opening up the Exposure by a whole stop to remove the Blue cast, but I think the Exp was right you just needed to drop the Blue in Saturation to get a more 'reflective' look, you may then wish to look at the WB after. It works here, but the BKG then pixilates badly so I think you may need to look at some of your steps within the Workflow. Backing off in Contrast, Shadows & Blacks brings more detail back within the face and the finer detail will begin to appear, creating a sharper image. You just need to toggle through the sliders and keep adjusting as each will have an effect.


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