I have been a BPN member for a number of years, and I have really enjoyed my membership. There are many in BPN, both moderators and members, who have provided valuable advice to me. But now I have been advised in an email that I must renew my membership. And I must do it through PayPal, with recurring payments no matter what! I don't purchase anything no matter what on a recurring basis any more.

That's because of an unwanted Christmas present I received in 2009; a case of ARDS that put me for two months into a Medical ICU in Baltimore, MD, with two weeks on a mechanical ventilator.

I survived that very near death experience and am doing well. But please, BPN, let me renew my membership on an annual basis with a simple credit card payment! I will be happy to do so. But if the recurring PayPal thing is my only option, I can't stay with BPN.

Norm Dulak