Here we go, my first post of images here, so I'll just jump right in and have a go. Be gentle please Also, please let me know if my watermark is too large for the forum guidelines.

So, You know it is spring when they .....

Are busy making babies

This is the end of a mating sequence, first two are cropped a bit, last two are "as-is" in that regard. Not much luck with decent Osprey the last couple of years, but this is a nest I will monitor throughout the season. Should be good when chicks are about and when they fledge. I will cut back on the focal length next time as well. If you look at the EXIF, ignore the D5300, this is really the D7200. Model is spoofed to process in Lightroom.

Let me know what you think.

1. TaDa! All done!

2. Lift Off

3. Departure

4. Leaving on a Jet Plane - Sing along, you all know the song!