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Thread: Our eye's an awareness post please read

  1. #1
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    Default Our eye's an awareness post please read

    Hi guys I hope you are all well. I want to share something that recently happened to me,it's not about sympathy,it's about you knowing of a set of symptoms and being able to react quickly,to a situation that has the potential to create loss of sight in said effected eye.

    Recently I was told I had a torn retina,that was at 3pm or so on a friday afternoon,by ten or eleven that night our wonderful NHS (national health service I live in the UK) had performed laser surgery and saved the sight in my left eye . The speed that they reacted to my situation was both wonderful and very scary. It's surreal being told you might not have your sight in one of your eyes.All was well days back for me

    I'm short sighted,we folks are more prone it seems to a retinal tare than others. I always beleieved a torn retina was a case caused by trauma. But in short sighted folks it happens seemingly quite often as we get a bit older. I knew nothing of this,you might not,which is the reason for this,I'm ok guys,taken a hit but I'll be fine. But as we get older the fluid in the eye contracts,this can lead to what happened to me,it literally ulls the optical cells off the retine,and in my case tore it for good measure. Once that tare is in place,then one is on a countdown untill fluid gets through and litterally pulls the retinal layers apart,leading to sight loss/possiibly permanant !!

    I AM NOT A DOCTOR,you good folks need to read and know from professionals,but if you experience transient flashes,so brief one doubts one's sanity,until the second or third time,and then bit's(mine were black, appear ,in your vision, even sort of a curtain(others description) please just drop every thing and see an eye specialist,please just for me , a guy from blighty you have never met.

    My Dr made sure I saw an optician but she just told me I was getting old and grafting too hard !! She didn't know that potential countdown to sight loss had started. That's the bit I want out of this thread for you to hear,I repeat I'm ok. No sympathy !! I have taken a hit my eye sight isn't the same,but I have them both and an blessed to say that it wasn't my master eye...much to be thankful for !!

    It's so important that you just get checked properly,if YOU see these symptoms...........transient flashes were first seen maybe 3 day before I was aware of the bits

    Mods I'm me I know not where to put this for the best,please move if needed.

    Cheers for listening

    take care


  2. #2
    Super Moderator Daniel Cadieux's Avatar
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    Yikes Stu, glad thing s turned out well!! Must have been scary. Thanks for posting this. With photography being my passion I've at times wondered how life would be if something would happen to one, or both, of my eyes. Even without photography, just life in general...we take things for granted don't we.

    Have a Merry Christmas and Happy Ne Year!

  3. #3
    Lifetime Member Marc Mol's Avatar
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    Sorry Stu

    Have just seen this now, good to hear that all is well and you saw treatment ASAP.

    Having turned 60 last year, things do start to creep up on you for sure, and a torn retina also happened to my dad, fortunately it was repaired like yours in good time.

    I'm very fortunate to have my wife as an opthamologist and along with cataracts and macular degeneration are two other main concerns for the eye as we grow older.

  4. #4
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    Dan Marc,cheers so much for the wishes ,all is well. sorry this has taken a while I've not been about much of late.

    I just wanted folks to know my symptoms and have that knowledge,so they could react with speed if needed,I was so unaware,it's possible others might be as well.

    It's scary being told one might loose the sight in one eye,but on the positive side the treatment leastways for me was very non invasive and not painful at all.

    many thanks both


  5. Thanks Daniel Cadieux thanked for this post

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