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Thread: Green House (Biltmore Estate, NC) HDR

  1. #1
    Todd Levine

    Default Green House (Biltmore Estate, NC) HDR

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    This is the Green House at The Biltmore Estates in NC. It had great colors and I used Grunge in Photomatix. I like the hyper real look, what are your thoughts? I have just started toying with the program.

    thanks for any comments,


  2. #2
    BPN Member Cheryl Slechta's Avatar
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    Todd, although the grunge look isn't everyone's cup of tea I'm fond of it. I like the image but I think it could use a little clockwise rotation. Do you have more room in front so you could include the edge of the door? I love the colors and the perspective of a "peek" inside the building.
    "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly" - The Little Prince

  3. #3
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    Hi Todd, I love the architectural features of the Biltmore and would love to run a workshop there! I have always liked the Photomatix grunge look. Sometimes with HDR programs they tend to "even out" the tonal range by bringing up the shadows but you have a nice balance here. Cheryl makes two very good suggestions regarding the straightening and a bit more room on the bottom. I have mixed feelings about the top. While I like the three details at the top- one is clipped and the right upper corner has a triangle that I try to avoid when composing. I think if the image were straighter you may have the room on top to include the complete third detail- if not I would take a small slice off the top to give a more finished look to the image.

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