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Thread: Where did that bird go !!!!

  1. #1
    Alfred Forns

    Default Where did that bird go !!!!

    Attached Images Attached Images
    Artie deep in thought .... and mud,,, at Ft Desoto !!!!

    Comments welcome and much appreciated

  2. #2
    Judy Lynn Malloch


    The thinker !!! I must say Artie certainly looks very comfortable and perhaps lying in the mud one is able to think more clearly but I am not sure I want to give it a try ! Love this moment you captured Alfred !!!

  3. #3
    Maxis Gamez


    This is the only way of doing it!!

  4. #4
    JH Tugs


    That's a lovely moment you captured there. Good to see the Better Beamer in use as well - I've noticed that many "photographer+big lens" shots don't include a flash, so this is an interesting change ;-)

  5. #5
    Philippe Collard


    It's the third shot of Artie I see in this forum and he lives in the mud it seems :)

    I'm sarcastic because in fact I'm jealous. Not that we don't have mud here up north but it's kinda frozen for months right now, and we don't have beaches full of shorebirds! Now THAT is depressing ;)

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