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Thread: Hide & Seek

  1. #1
    Ramesh Adkoli

    Default Hide & Seek

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    I was lucky to capture this image as the sun was visible only momentarily. The diagonal formation in the clouds too was there for only a short while. Appreciate your views and comments.

    D700, 70-200mm VR @ 105mm, 1/640s, f/22, ISO 200, hand held, full frame
    PP: levels, selective curves and colors, channel mixer for B&W rendering


  2. #2
    BPN Viewer
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    Hi Ramesh, I like how your using your eye to select compositions that most would overlook. The leaf silouette is helpful in framing the top of the image. In this case I don't feel the cloud formation and the small sun has enough interest to strongly carry the image. However, the image does have a mood thats appealing.

  3. #3
    Roman Kurywczak


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    Hi Ramesh,
    Another interesting idea and for the most part, pretty well handled. I did agree with Dave about the sun and clouds but then started to think and decided I would try to see if I could pull out more detail in the clouds to give them more impact.
    I started by eliminating some of the contrast with the reverse s-curve and thenrecovering some highlights in shadow/highlights. I did this to try and get as much detail in some of the areas that had lost it and then selectively went back in and started adding it back with a combination of adding blacks in selective color (neutrals and blacks),levels layers, and brightnes/contrast layers all the time avoiding the brightest parts while pushing them as far as I dare. Final piece was a crop off hte left as the vert branch seemed too out of place with the mood and then a clone/patch on the UR corner. That one was a final decision and I was OK with leaving it in but decided to show another possibility if you are OK with such things. I tried to keep the entire tonal range very close to your OP but just bring out greater depth to some of the clouds. Let me know what you think.

  4. #4
    Ramesh Adkoli


    Thanks Dave for your kind words. When i see a vast landscape, i do photograph such large vistas, but i try to isolate finer aspects of such a view that helps me convey a specific mood and catch viewer's attention. This approach is a work in progress thing and makes landscape photography all the more challenging for me:) Thanks for noticing that.


  5. #5
    Ramesh Adkoli


    Thanks, Roman for showing how to better this image. I definitely like the repost. The darker grays definitely make the diagonals in the clouds more prominent. I am fine with the crop and the cloning of UR. Thanks for the details of your approach too. Appreciate that.


  6. #6
    BPN Viewer
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    I have tried the same thing Ramesh and sometimes the darn camera just will not do justice to what I saw.

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