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Thread: Celebrate!

  1. #1
    Julie Kenward

    Default Celebrate!

    Attached Images Attached Images
    Celebrate your life!
    Let every moment move you
    Let every thought uplift you
    Let every day remake you

    Celebrate all life!
    Amidst His bold creation
    Among His brazen creatures
    Alongside His other children
    Celebrate our lives!
    Lift up your joyous hearts
    Lift out your upturned hands
    Let joyousness abound

  2. #2
    Lance Warley


    Thanks for officially starting my Summer Solstice celebration, Jules.

    This is just the perfect Celebration poem. And what photo do you pick? A GREEN photo, of course, with new life unfolding right before our eyes. I feel like that plant is groing even as I look at it.

    The words are dynamic, the photo is dynamic - perfect combination.

    This settles it. Your post has motivated me to get up early and shoot before work tomorrow. How can I not?

  3. #3
    Forum Participant
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    Jules, A very uplifting and spiritual poem. I can't help but smile after reading it! Your image matches your words perfectly -as if you created them together.

  4. #4
    Julie Kenward


    Thanks Lance and Denise. I have had this image for over a month and wasn't quite sure what to do with it...tonight it finally came together.

    I love clematis and grow several different kinds on a section of fence near my home because they all do this. Every day you can go out and see those little hands reaching up towards the sun and gets me every time!

  5. #5
    Ákos Lumnitzer


    The image perfectly complements your words. The new shoots off the stalk mirror those feelings conveyed. Congrats! :)

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