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Thread: Hello Everyone

  1. #1
    Zenon Char

    Default Hello Everyone

    Just found this site today. Looking forward to getting to know it and everyone. Did some scouting over the last few days.

    Redpolls have been back for a while.

    Canon 50D & 300L F4 IS

    Canon 50D & 300L F4 IS

    Canon 50D & 300L F4 IS & Canon 1.4 extender

    White Breasted Nuthatch

    Canon 50D & 300L F4 IS & Canon 1.4 extender

    I'm back. What's up with the snow?

    Canon 50D & 300L F4 IS

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Daniel Cadieux's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Ottawa, Canada
    Thank You Posts


    Hi Zenon, welcome to BPN!! Always glad to see fellow countrymen contributing here :-)

    Just an FYI that we normally limit threads to one image per thread (except for worked-on reposts). Since this is an introductory post I'll let it slide ;-)

    I've taken a look at your other posts, and you have some strong work to offer us. You should post some on the Avian forum (limit one per 24 hours) where you will receive the great critiques that we have become known for. You can also post in the Eager to Learn forum if you would rather test the waters first (or feeling shy with all the talent we have posting there)...there you will receive great advice and learn new tricks to get your skills up a few notches higher.

    Looking forward to more!!

  3. #3
    Zenon Char


    Thanks for the help and advice Daniel.

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