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Thread: The Last Dance

  1. #1
    Julie Kenward

    Default The Last Dance

    Attached Images Attached Images
    In death, as in life,
    I hope I go out with a flourish!

    If I get to skate out on a rainbow -
    Even better!

  2. #2
    Lance Warley


    The photo and the words go together perfectly, Jules.

    It's really something when a person develops a unique, recognizable "voice" in her writing. You've done that. It's quite an achievement.

    I'm hoping for a rainbow in your next post. How could I do otherwise?

  3. #3
    Fabs Forns


    I hope when the time come for my last dance, I could go as gracefully as that leaf and your words :)

  4. #4
    Julie Kenward


    Me, too,, too.

    I've never really talked about it here at BPN before but I was diagnosed with a chronic heart disease (dialated cardiomyopathy) and was in almost total heart failure just three years ago. I've been on medication ever since and it's done wonders to restore the function of my heart to almost near-normal levels. I get tired more easily than most but, otherwise, I'm fine on a day-to-day basis.

    It was rather freeing, though, to get the diagnosis and to think "So this is how it's probably going to end." Sure, I could still get another disease down the road or get hit by a truck on the freeway one day - but if "nature takes its course" I'll be walking around one day and just...go. Not so scary when you think about it and, man, does it give me a great reason to get out of bed with a smile on my face every blessed day. I never take life for granted any more, that's for sure!

    And Lance...I got my rainbow yesterday in the curve of a water fountain in the middle of a lake. It made me think of you and all the great people I've met at BPN. Thanks so much for your kind words.
    Last edited by Julie Kenward; 11-02-2008 at 01:16 PM.

  5. #5
    Forum Participant
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Toronto, Canada
    Thank You Posts


    This is very lovely and delicate treatment. I always thought a photo could stand on its' own, but when paired with verse it becomes even more powerful. I am sure every day is a blessing for you Julie, and you probably live it to the full.

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