Here are some numbers from the Hawkwatch at Cape May Point State park. This is in no way a complete list, but an idea of what is starting to come through.
Bald Eagle 19 on 9/15 and 6 on 9/19
Northern Harrier 18 on 9/17 and 8 on 9/19
Coopers Hawk 101 on 9/15 and 34 0n 9/19
Kestral 324 on 9/15 and 86 0n 9/19
Sharp Shinned Hawk 232 on 9/17 and 107 on 9/19
Merlin 60 on 9/19
Peregrin 19 on 9/17 and 4 on 9/19
Keep in mind that these are birders sightings and not all are at a photographing distance. At any rate activity is starting to pick up a bit.