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Thread: What will 2008 bring for you?

  1. #1
    Jasper Doest

    Default What will 2008 bring for you?

    Hi all,

    I was just curious what other photographers look forward to in 2008. Personally I have some idea's for new projects in the new a trip to photograph White Storks and visit the French Alps. Also I am very much looking forward leading a tour to Swedish Lapland and guiding another trip to Svalbard.
    From a photographic point of view I really focussed on showing animals in their environment in 2007. I'm looking forward further developing my vision and to be inspired by the many photographs we will see here on BPN.

    So my question to you is....what will 2008 bring for you?

  2. #2
    George DeCamp


    Just a couple very simple things so far this year for me Jasper;

    1. Heading to Florida for 10 days in February and will be working on some more environment into my images instead of all FF bird type shots. I find lately I really enjoy seeing those kind of shots.

    2. Enjoy the new D3 I picked up and the new 600vr I will get in January. Nothing like some new gear to give you a spark once again!

    Still need a place to go in the fall so will be looking at some ideas for that....and counting my pennies to see what's left, and how far it will take me. :D

  3. #3
    Maxis Gamez


    Hi Jasper,

    I'm planning to photograph the SW later in 2008. I also hope to get the 40D.

    That would be it for me I think.

  4. #4
    Alfred Forns


    I do have some goals for 2008

    1 Seeing BPN Shine on top of all internet forums Making it the best it can be

    2 Being able to make several Super Family Jewel images

    3 Making it to three new places out of my normal are

    4 Making new friend in the field

    5 Hoping to make a positive influence
    Last edited by Alfred Forns; 12-30-2007 at 09:24 PM.

  5. #5
    BPN Viewer
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    In June I will have a birding and photography trip to Scandinavia. Must have my first shorebird photography trip. This time we will travel to Ethiopia.
    I would like to find out what camera body to upgrade for. At the moment I have no idea.
    It would be nice to join to one of the photography workshops.


  6. #6
    Publisher Arthur Morris's Avatar
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    As for me, I am gonna try to be at home a bit more this year... Try...

    later and love, artie

  7. #7
    Robert O'Toole


    Japan will be the first trip of the year for me, I actually leave the day after tomorrow. I have been looking forward to photographing Steller's Sea eagles and Red-crowned since..forever!
    I should probably start packing soon.....

    Would love to visit Svalbard Jasper, thats another dream of mine, but alas, that will have to wait..


  8. #8
    Jasper Doest


    Quote Originally Posted by Robert O'Toole View Post
    Japan will be the first trip of the year for me, I actually leave the day after tomorrow. I have been looking forward to photographing Steller's Sea eagles and Red-crowned since..forever!
    I should probably start packing soon.....

    Would love to visit Svalbard Jasper, thats another dream of mine, but alas, that will have to wait..

    Have fun Robert....I visited Japan this amazing experience for sure. I'm looking forward to go back next year. Take care and I think we're all looking forward to see what you'll be bringing home from your trip!

  9. #9
    Forum Participant
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    Default This Will Be a Busy Year

    I spent May~November of 2007 shooting migrating and nesting shorebirds at Plymouth Long Beach in MA as the "Artist in Residence" for the Goldenrod Foundation.

    There will be a 6 month show of my work at Plimoth Plantation (approximately 65 framed images and also wall panels) beginning in May 2008 and it will travel to other venues after that. They've raised funding to completely renovate the 2500 square foot gallery where this will be shown so it's going to be a great venue :)

    I've got people hounding me to give guided bird photography tours / field lessons, but I just don't know that I have time for that. I'd certainly like to share what I've learned but I like shooting alone;)

    As I've picked up a series of four 10 page photo essays in an up and coming regional magazine, it's time to get a new website set up and organized so that I can link to the darn thing! An unorganized pbase dumping ground simply isn't going to cut it any more.

    I'm now shooting a D300 which I'm not completely sold on yet and I have a 500 VR coming in January hopefully before I head to Florida in February. I sure wish Nikon would come up with an 18MP clean high ISO sensor that shoots 9FPS! (or make the 12 MP sensors as clean as the IDMKIII / D3, which isn't going to happen)...soooooo, I've got new gear to work into.

    Somewhow...I also need to find time to shoot :eek:
    Last edited by Jim Fenton; 01-01-2008 at 07:14 PM.

  10. #10
    Brian Lowe


    For me I am planing a return to Panama and Costa Rica again, I love Central America . And I hope to make it down to Belize or El Salvador as well for 08.


  11. #11
    Jason Vaclavek


    To get out and shoot more than I did in 2007.

  12. #12
    Steve Foss


    Well, I'm looking at a 2008 that allows me to focus wholly on photography. I abandoned a 15-year newspaper career last June to go full-time with photography, and it'll be a great year to meet the challenge of building the business.

    Oh, yeah, and have a LOT OF FUN! :D

  13. #13
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    For me in 2008, I will be getting the lens I have always wanted, the Nikon 500 f4 AFSII, thanks to Jim Fenton going with the VR version:D. This gives me a whole new world to discover, especially with my new D300. Also, in the Fall making the trip to Bosque del Apache. One of many places I have always wanted to go. And, most of all having fun learning to make my pictures of the natural world better and better!:)

  14. #14
    Ed Vatza


    For 2008...

    1) We moved our annual Bar Harbor, Maine vacation from late September to late June so we can add in a trip to Machias Seal Island for the Puffins.
    2) Come h#$% or high water, I will come up with a way to get the Canon 500mm f/4L lens that I really covet.
    3) I will become a better photographer AND a better post-processor.

  15. #15
    Meint Sijp


    My goal is to become a better nature photographer, (Still a very long way) :o), and muby get a couple of new lenses.
    Also have a dream of getting to svaldbard but don know if i have good ennough lenses or the money to go. plus if possible go diving with the greate white shark whith out cage, (my biggest dream.) And do some greate shots of it. But depends on the money..........

    But first better photographer.

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