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Thread: Lens choices

  1. #1
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    Default Lens choices

    Hi All,

    New forum member hoping for some advice. I am thinking about upgrading my lens combos to give me more flexibility and length, let me explain …..
    I have a Nikon D7100 and the 300mm F4 and 1.4tc combo which I handhold and walk or use a monopod, as a fledgling bird photographer my results range from dreadful to not too bad LOL !
    Reasoning that I should get more length, I have thought about getting the 300mm F2.8 VR (either the first or new version) and the 1.7 or 2TC with maybe a tripod and gimbal mount for the 2TC combo. Before I jump and spend the cash does this make sense and would I maybe be better getting a larger lens altogether and keeping my current lenses as they are ?
    I am sure this has been asked a thousand times for which I apologise but before I write the cheque would appreciate some input.

    Good wishes


  2. #2
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    Welcome to the forum, looking forward to seeing some of your images. I'm not sure I completely understand your question. Why would you go from a 300 f4 to a 300 f2.8 to get more reach? They are the same focal length, and you are only picking up an f-stop of light. As for the teleconverters, I have used the 1.4 and 1.7 and really prefer the 1.4 most of the time. I've never shot the 2.0, but have heard that a lot of people are disappointed with it.

  3. #3
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    Hi John,

    Thanks for your reply I had a notion to get the 300 f2.8 and use it with the 2.oTC3 to give me effectively 600mm or in effect anything from 300 to 600 depending on which TC I fitted I had read the F4 is only really good with the 1.4. It may be I go for a longer lens altogether and keep my current not too bulky set up. It may be I look for a nearly new 400mm 2.8 there seems so many options and as I can only afford to do this once wanted to get it right ! Best wishes.

  4. #4
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    With your current setup you are getting an effective 630 mm of focal length. 300 mm x 1.4 teleconverter x 1.5 DX correction = 630 mm. I think you've got enough length and all kidding aside, maybe you just need to get closer to the birds. You'll always get better detail as closer distances, even with the most expensive gear. At the length you're at already, if you are having trouble getting sharp images, then you need to figure out if it's a focus problem or a steadiness issue. A good tripod and gimbal head will help out a lot on the latter, but if you look at the IPTC data from most of the avian postings you'll see that they are shooting almost always above 1/1000 second. If you stay above 1/1500 second and are reasonably steady I think you can get good images handheld. How about posting some of your work on the "Eager to Learn" Forum? You'll get lots of support and great advice. Do that for a while until you know what you might really need for gear. Hope to see you posting soon.

  5. #5
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    You will gain AF speed, VR, reach (DX correction puts you at 900mm) and about a half stop if you go to the 300 f2.8/TC20EIII combo. IQ from these two lenses is amazingly similar. The older Nikon TC20EII is not in the same ballpark as the new III version. Were it me and I had the funds, I would keep the 300 f4 and buy a 500 and a TC14EII. This package makes an excellent nature outfit that I have been using for years.
    Last edited by Doug Campbell; 06-17-2014 at 02:38 PM.

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