The 2012 Khao Dinsor (Thailand) Raptor Migration Report is now on-line for free download:

We recommend reading it as a two-page display - in Adobe Acrobat or whatever PDF reader you have, go to: (a) View; (b) Page Display; (c) Two-page display.

See attached.

The report is written for many types of migration watchers - people who are interested in the nuances of raptor plumages (identification); people who are interested in the pattern of migration on a daily and seasonal basis; people who came to photograph migrating birds; and people who came to watch, wonder, learn and even protect raptors...There is no right or best way to watch migration. Each way of looking/watching contributes knowledge to solve a puzzle: how are the migrating raptors and other birds doing in Thailand?

There is one group of people, indeed the largest group throughout the world, we hope to meet in 2013 - all those people who don't know about raptors and their migration, yet. Perhaps they will bring their kids with them too...

See You at Khao Dinsor

Robert DeCandido PhD