• BirdPhotographers.Net Guidelines

      Birdphotographers.net (BPN) is an international nature photography discussion forum and e-zine focused on providing a fun learning experience through honest but gentle image critiques.


      BirdPhotographers.net (BPN)

      User: Anyone who registers with BPN

      Members: Anyone who registers with BPN and pays the annual dues.
      1. By registering with BirdPhotographers.net, you agree to abide by the BPN Guidelines and Forum Rules of Use.
      2. Registration is required to access the forums; there is no charge to register.
      3. Registration is required to post and comment in the forums. Upon registration you will receive a free membership for 3 months. After this period your user will have read-only access only. Membership is required to use the BPN image hosting service and particpate in BPN discussions.
      Interested in becoming a member?
      Click Here to subscribe.

      4. You must register using your real name, first and last. You may not register with multiple identities.
      By posting images or messages on BPN you give the forum owners and maintainers permission to permanently store all message content, to present it for public viewing, and to delete, move or modify it.
      6. a)By posting images to BPN you give the BPN staff, users and members permission to download and modify any image submitted for critiquing. The sole purpose for downloading an image is so that it can be modified for instructional purposes only and then be re-posted in the original thread. The photographer is the copyright owner and retains all rights. Modified images may not be used for any purpose other than for instructional use at BPN.
      b)Other than images re-posted for instructional purposes, no one may post an image unless they are the copyright holder.
      Any and all images posted on BPN will maintain the copyright of the photographer.
      8. You agree to post only content that you have copyright for. BPN is not responsible for the content of any uploaded files.
      9. All messages express the views of the author, and not those of BPN. BPN will not be held responsible for the content of any message.
      10. Administrators and Moderators are entrusted with the ability and responsibility of removing objectionable and/or off topic posts. A warning may be sent to the offending party or parties involved. If the rule violations are severe, or if they continue after a warning, a user's privileges to access BPN can be terminated without notice.
      11. By posting on BPN you agree not to post any content that is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, rude, racist, disrespectful, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, threatening, obscene, profane, provocative, pornographic or otherwise in violation of any law.
      12. Direct selling or advertising of any product and/or service in the Forums is strictly forbidden.
      13. Private Messaging is for personal use only - using it as a mass-marketing tool is forbidden. All forum rules apply to Private Messaging including but not limited to- not harassing, agitating, showing hostility towards or being persistently unpleasant or argumentative to another user or Staff Member.
      14. Personal Messages (PM) between users or PM between a user and moderator are not to be discussed in public with out the consent of both parties. Moderators may freely share the PM content they received or sent with other moderators, as long as it relates to forum business.
      15. Members nor Users will be permitted to restrict or inhibit any other member or user from using and enjoying the forum by harassing, agitating, showing hostility towards or being unpleasant, insulting or argumentative. If BPN Administrators or Moderators determine that a user has violated this rule, a warning may be sent to the offending party. If the violations are severe, or if they continue after a warning, a user's privileges to access BPN can and will be terminated without notice. If the BPN staff deems it is in the best interest of our community, any member or user can be terminated/banned without cause. If a member is terminated/banned without cause, they will receive a full refund of their membership fees.
      16. If asked by a BPN Administrator or forum Moderator to cease posting content deemed offensive, objectionable, or in poor taste by said Administrator forum Moderator, you must agree to do so.
      17. Posted images should be in JPG format.
      18. Images should not exceed 600 kilobytes nor should they exceed 1920 pixels on the longest side.
      19. In general, only one image per thread is permitted. Re-posts are of course OK. Posting a similar image for comparison or for educational purposes is also permitted.
      20. Members may post only one image in each forum in a twenty-four hour period. Forum Participants may post one image in each forum in seven-day period.
      21. Please include technical data, such as, but not limited to, camera settings, time of day, weather conditions and location. If your subject is captive, please disclose that fact. If you have attracted your subject or subjects into photographic range with food, water, audio, or by any other means, please let us know. If you have significantly altered your image by adding or removing elements of the composition, we ask that you disclose that as well. This information will benefit all members and add to the educational value of each post.

      22. Signatures for the purpose of self promotion are available to members only. A signature may consist of of only two short statement lines. Each line may contain one link. Links to other forums, to commercial websites, or to websites other than their own are not permitted. All signatures must be in black type with a font no larger than 3.

      Members may post links in threads to related images for comparative or educational purposes.

      23. Posted images may not have any logos or graphics other than a discreet copyright notice.
      The forum rules and guidelines are subject to change without notice.
      25. Have Fun!

    • Most Recent Threads

      William Dickson

      Too-Wet Too-Woo

      Thread Starter: William Dickson

      Canon R6
      f/4 400mm DO Mk2 at 560mm
      ISO 3200

      This is one from a set up, where a mouse was used as bait,

      Last Post By: Steve Kaluski Yesterday, 03:51 AM Go to last post
      Steve Kaluski

      greater Kudu grazing in river bed

      Thread Starter: Steve Kaluski

      Subject: Male Greater Kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros)
      Location: Africa
      Camera: Canon EOS R3
      Lens: EF 500 f/4.5 MKII HH

      Last Post By: Gabriela Plesea Yesterday, 01:54 PM Go to last post
      Steve Kaluski

      Junior learns quickly...

      Thread Starter: Steve Kaluski

      Subject: Kestrel Juvenile (Falco tinnunculus)
      Camera: Canon EOS R3
      Lens: *EF 300mm F/2.8 L IS USM II 1.4 MKIII
      Exposure: 1/2500 at

      Last Post By: Steve Kaluski Yesterday, 03:22 AM Go to last post
      Steve Kaluski

      Juveniles have arrived!

      Thread Starter: Steve Kaluski

      Subject: Kestrel Juvenile (Falco tinnunculus)
      Camera: Canon EOS R3
      Lens: EF 500mm F/4 L IS USM II 1.4 MKIII
      Exposure: 1/2000 at f/9

      Last Post By: Steve Kaluski Yesterday, 03:32 AM Go to last post
      Brian Sump

      King of the Thistles

      Thread Starter: Brian Sump

      A simple male Broad-tailed Hummingbird atop a plethora of colored thistleweeds.

      Audio played.


      Last Post By: William Dickson 07-25-2024, 04:28 PM Go to last post
      Steve Kaluski

      The advanced party

      Thread Starter: Steve Kaluski

      We spotted a herd of around 40-50 elephants of all sizes, so placing the vehicle in the hope they would pass by, but not to impede their way, we were

      Last Post By: Gabriela Plesea 07-24-2024, 07:17 AM Go to last post
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