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  • Gabriela Plesea's Avatar
    Today, 01:54 PM
    Thank you Steve for reply:S3: I can easily imagine the scene with all the animals in it :bg3: Awesome to see but not always easy to photograph......
    3 replies | 48 view(s)
  • Steve Kaluski's Avatar
    Today, 12:57 PM
    Hi Gabriela, yes I reckon about 5-6 judging on the horns, but the female was also close by, they kept crisscrossing which was a pain and you can see...
    3 replies | 48 view(s)
  • Gabriela Plesea's Avatar
    Today, 11:02 AM
    Hello Steve, Love the species and your image gives justice to this majestic animal, a fairly large male with beautiful horns. For those who do...
    3 replies | 48 view(s)
  • Steve Kaluski's Avatar
    Today, 03:51 AM
    Steve Kaluski replied to a thread Too-Wet Too-Woo in Avian
    Hi Will, is this at Alans, if time allowed I might have got you to go to a friend of mine on route home, as they are a lot closer, Have you, or...
    1 replies | 96 view(s)
  • Steve Kaluski's Avatar
    Today, 03:32 AM
    Lesson learnt Will, don't get back home and process ASAP! You saw a quick edit when shot, but I was too hasty. Dan was correct, but I added a bit...
    4 replies | 151 view(s)
  • Steve Kaluski's Avatar
    Today, 03:22 AM
    Hi Will, may thanks for the kind words and yes you will, hopefully 'fill your boots.' Thanks for asking first before booking, and perhaps next time...
    2 replies | 107 view(s)
  • William Dickson's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:23 PM
    William Dickson started a thread Too-Wet Too-Woo in Avian
    Canon R6 f/4 400mm DO Mk2 at 560mm f/5.6 1/1000 ISO 3200 This is one from a set up, where a mouse was used as bait, to attract a Sparrowhawk,...
    1 replies | 96 view(s)
  • William Dickson's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:52 PM
    William Dickson replied to a thread Sparrowhawk in Avian
    Thanks for the comments, much appreciated. Hi Brian, yes I took over one hundred shots of this bird, and posted a few in the past. Couldn't believe...
    5 replies | 387 view(s)
  • William Dickson's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:45 PM
    Well captured Jon. Not an easy task as the bird is so fast. It's a pity that the HA is slightly away from the viewer, as it would have made a big...
    1 replies | 235 view(s)
  • William Dickson's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:28 PM
    William Dickson replied to a thread King of the Thistles in Avian
    Looking real good Brian. What a fab looking perch, the thistles look great, reminds me of Scottish thistles, there are plenty of them here. ...
    2 replies | 133 view(s)
  • William Dickson's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:17 PM
    What a great looking pose and the open bill adds. I think the RP does look better and more pleasing to the eye. Personally, I know it looks...
    4 replies | 151 view(s)
  • William Dickson's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:45 PM
    Hi Steve. I really like this one. The interaction between the two birds looks great. You can 'feel' the movement, especially on the bird to our...
    2 replies | 107 view(s)
  • Steve Kaluski's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:46 AM
    Subject: Male Greater Kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) Location: Africa Camera: Canon EOS R3 Lens: EF 500 f/4.5 MKII HH Exposure: 1/2000 at f/5.6...
    3 replies | 48 view(s)
  • Steve Kaluski's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:32 AM
    Subject: Kestrel Juvenile (Falco tinnunculus) Camera: Canon EOS R3 Lens: *EF 300mm F/2.8 L IS USM II 1.4 MKIII Exposure: 1/2500 at f/5.6...
    2 replies | 107 view(s)
  • Steve Kaluski's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:38 AM
    Hi Dan, long time no see, trust all is good???? Indeed, overall it needed a bit more magenta, but then I selectively bumped up the plumage,...
    4 replies | 151 view(s)
  • Daniel Cadieux's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:59 AM
    Overall I like it a lot, and prefer the second one by a slight edge. Good pose, sharpness, and I am ok with the BG. I'd probably have zoomed out a...
    5 replies | 390 view(s)
  • Daniel Cadieux's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:56 AM
    Daniel Cadieux replied to a thread Sparrowhawk in Avian
    The low angle and head-on stare make this image for me! If anything I do feel the subject is a bit large in the frame, but I suppose in a way this...
    5 replies | 387 view(s)
  • Daniel Cadieux's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:53 AM
    Daniel Cadieux replied to a thread Buzzard in Avian
    Nice frame indeed. I've always liked the "menacing" look most raptors give, and this one is no exception. I like that the bill tip is just clear of...
    2 replies | 265 view(s)
  • Daniel Cadieux's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:47 AM
    Daniel Cadieux replied to a thread King of the Thistles in Avian
    Man, this shows how tiny these guys are! I like it. Just enough oof flowers to balance the comp, and the overall vibrance is just right. I never...
    2 replies | 133 view(s)
  • Daniel Cadieux's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:45 AM
    The composition, sharpness, pose, background. All great stuff! I wonder if there could be a touch more reds added to the image - seems a bit...
    4 replies | 151 view(s)
  • Gabriela Plesea's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 07:17 AM
    Ooooooh, but I think Steve K has also got it right :bg3: And yes I want to see the other images! Me first please!
    5 replies | 143 view(s)
  • Steve Kaluski's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 07:01 AM
    Steve Kaluski replied to a thread The advanced party in Wildlife
    Sometimes it’s easier with hindsight to reflect on gear Gabriela, I had no choice with the desk on the table. When you look at Steve P he’s got it...
    5 replies | 143 view(s)
  • Gabriela Plesea's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 06:18 AM
    Hello Steve, Thank you for reply, just glad you travelled safely and arrived safely. Would really love to get some nice shots of eles with...
    5 replies | 143 view(s)
  • Steve Kaluski's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 05:33 AM
    Steve Kaluski replied to a thread The advanced party in Wildlife
    Hi Gabriela, apologies for the late reply, Monday was hectic and I decided to drive back yesterday, so a little pooped! Yes, it was a great...
    5 replies | 143 view(s)
  • Steve Kaluski's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 01:00 AM
    Subject: Kestrel Juvenile (Falco tinnunculus) Camera: Canon EOS R3 Lens: EF 500mm F/4 L IS USM II 1.4 MKIII Exposure: 1/2000 at f/9 ISO8000 ...
    4 replies | 151 view(s)
  • Brian Sump's Avatar
    07-23-2024, 03:10 PM
    Brian Sump started a thread King of the Thistles in Avian
    A simple male Broad-tailed Hummingbird atop a plethora of colored thistleweeds. Audio played. R6 840mm Handheld ISO 1600 1/5000 f7.1
    2 replies | 133 view(s)
  • Gabriela Plesea's Avatar
    07-22-2024, 12:04 PM
    Dear Steve, Indeed an awesome encounter and I believe you had plenty during this trip:w3 Well captured and nicely framed, not always easy to...
    5 replies | 143 view(s)
  • Brian Sump's Avatar
    07-22-2024, 09:08 AM
    Brian Sump replied to a thread Buzzard in Avian
    Andreas, a pretty appealing frame here. In fact, it's making me hungry :bg3: The bit hanging off of the beak is pretty cool. Very interesting...
    2 replies | 265 view(s)
  • Brian Sump's Avatar
    07-21-2024, 04:07 PM
    Brian Sump replied to a thread Seed Pop in Avian
    Do you mean Kurt Bowman? I think he's been having a few health issues and maybe not getting out as much. Might have been disenchanted too because...
    7 replies | 427 view(s)
  • Steve Kaluski's Avatar
    07-21-2024, 10:07 AM
    We spotted a herd of around 40-50 elephants of all sizes, so placing the vehicle in the hope they would pass by, but not to impede their way, we were...
    5 replies | 143 view(s)
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