Please join me in congratulating Mark Dumbleton for having his image "Bearded Vulture Fight" selected as the Image Of The Year!
Mark is being awarded a lifetime membership to BPN and a workshop with Artie Morris. His winning image is also our Ezine cover for April 2009.
The image of the year contest is one of the benefits of being a BPN member. Only BPN members qualify to participate in the Image of The Week and Image Of The Year contest.
Selecting our first IOTY was not an easy process. First our moderator team nominated one image from each forum.
The nominated list of anonymous images went to the ownership group for final voting.
So many great images and only one IOTY winner.
Congratulations Francis Bosse! "Wasp in flight #2" 2nd Place
Congratulations Grace Scalzo! "Gull with catch" 3rd Place