Gyorgy, as noboby else answer I try: myonly reference is the article publishedv in the italian nature/ photo magazine n.12 December 92. I suppose you mean birdphoto as I know you're a very good birdbirdwatcher. the most intersting part is the inner one, between Alentejo-algarve: pluvialis apricaria, buteo buteo. from Serpa: sporadic Cyanopic Cianus,Alectoforis rufa, Grus grus (wintering), non impossible Tetrax tetrax,difficult to see an Otis tarda. In the area closer to Spain border:bonelli's eagle,milvus milvus, Black vulture (nesting in Spain). I'm not always sure about some names in english. I hope to have satisfyed.
Sorry missed this
I live in the Alentejo, next province up, less than 1 hour north of Faro Airport.
Some great birds to be had here in Portugal, many famous spots in the Algarve as well.