I am posting this image purely to share the enjoyment I had in taking it. I appreciate it is not worth critical acclaim it is rather a mess but this little chap was in our hedgerow by the new meadow. We stumbled upon him in the evening as we were having a stroll, we have a large Elder tree which is all mangled and twisted and in the roots was a space where this little leveret was taking refuge. I nipped back in the house to get my camera, took about 4 images and left him in peace. That was yesterday 21/06/2024, tonight we had another stroll and sure enough he was in exactly the same place, we had a quick peep and left him in peace. We saw an adult this morning about 20m from this spot, I have no idea if that was it's mother but needless to say we are keeping eyes peeled....maybe more to follow - also hares fighting!!
OM-1, 40-150mm
Focal Length (35 mm conversion) : 200.0mm
ISO Sensitivity : 1250
Shutter : 1/200 sec
F.No. : F5
Exposure compensation : 0.0 EV