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Thread: Leveret

  1. #1
    Macro and Flora Moderator Jonathan Ashton's Avatar
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    Default Leveret

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    I am posting this image purely to share the enjoyment I had in taking it. I appreciate it is not worth critical acclaim it is rather a mess but this little chap was in our hedgerow by the new meadow. We stumbled upon him in the evening as we were having a stroll, we have a large Elder tree which is all mangled and twisted and in the roots was a space where this little leveret was taking refuge. I nipped back in the house to get my camera, took about 4 images and left him in peace. That was yesterday 21/06/2024, tonight we had another stroll and sure enough he was in exactly the same place, we had a quick peep and left him in peace. We saw an adult this morning about 20m from this spot, I have no idea if that was it's mother but needless to say we are keeping eyes peeled....maybe more to follow - also hares fighting!!

    OM-1, 40-150mm
    Focal Length (35 mm conversion) : 200.0mm
    ISO Sensitivity : 1250
    Shutter : 1/200 sec
    F.No. : F5
    Exposure compensation : 0.0 EV


  2. #2
    Story Sequences Moderator and Wildlife Moderator Gabriela Plesea's Avatar
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    Hello Jon,

    Sweet, such precious wee chap, looks well sheltered and also camouflaged to some extent

    Thank you so much for sharing, do keep an eye and maybe you are lucky to photograph him again when he pops out, would love to see him out and about!

    Kind regards,
    Gabriela Plesea

  3. #3
    Wildlife Moderator Steve Kaluski's Avatar
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    I am posting this image purely to share the enjoyment I had in taking it. I appreciate it is not worth critical acclaim it is rather a mess but this little chap was in our hedgerow by the new meadow.
    It is what it is Jon, but if you are not looking for feedback/critique, then you could also think about posting in 'Just for Fun' as I think you want to share the spirit of the capture more than anything?
    Post Production: It’s ALL about what you do with the tools and not, which brand of tool you use.

  4. #4
    Macro and Flora Moderator Jonathan Ashton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Kaluski View Post
    It is what it is Jon, but if you are not looking for feedback/critique, then you could also think about posting in 'Just for Fun' as I think you want to share the spirit of the capture more than anything?
    Not really just wanted to share it with you guys that's all.

  5. #5
    BPN Member Andreas Liedmann's Avatar
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    Hi Jon ...
    Always nice to see some kind of animal youngsters , you captured it nicely with its natural behavior when trying to hide .
    So i can see nothing wrong with posting it here , as when posted in another forum it will be overlooked ... my take.
    The subject and overall image does look good o me in terms of color and tone , nice fine details in the subject .
    With a little bit more of tonal tricks you could improve things .... like a vignette for example . For sure you canīt get rid of the cluttered setting , but it is not necessary to do IMHO

    Thanks for posting

    Cheers Andreas

  6. #6
    Macro and Flora Moderator Jonathan Ashton's Avatar
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    Thanks Andreas, I did apply masks in ACR to make the large root darker and the soil on the left hand foreground.. after you mention it I think a vignette would have been a good idea. The leveret has returned each evening so fararriving 7-8pm and I am planning to get an image of it leaving but I suspect it will be in shade early morning.

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