Hand held stack 16 images focus differential 4.
There was some banding in the background, I am sure you will notice once mentioned, I tried to minimise the effect.
Om-1 60mm macro
ISO 200, f3.2
ACR/Zerene Stacker/PSCC
Hand held stack 16 images focus differential 4.
There was some banding in the background, I am sure you will notice once mentioned, I tried to minimise the effect.
Om-1 60mm macro
ISO 200, f3.2
ACR/Zerene Stacker/PSCC
Be nice to have capture the whole subject here Jon.
Post Production: It’s ALL about what you do with the tools and not, which brand of tool you use.
Hello Jon,
I so like those water droplets on this damselfly, oh wow!
Perch looks great. Do you perhaps have one frame with the whole subject, it would be good to see.
Very nice detail, I just feel the image is a tad dark so I would up exposure a bit. The eyes are just awesome.
Does the banding occur because of stacking, just curious. Love this frame
Warmest regards,
Gabriela Plesea