Canon R6
f/4 400mm DO Mk2 at 560mm
ISO 1000
Another from the local loch.....This Mute Swan came into my favourite part of the loch where there is a dark BG....It started to preen, but never really showed any decent poses.....Then, it must have had an itchy bit, that it couldn't reach....It started to jump and dive into the water, going crazy for about 15 mins....I stuck with it and managed some different poses......HH.....ACR and PS.
Hi Will .. love the combo of low POV , action and lighting .
Well handled exposure and good details showing up .
Think you can add more drama by darkening the darker areas more without going too black ... just a thought .
Andreas read my mind about exploring making the background even darker. I would have preferred separation between the bill and neck, but boy-oh-boy I love the splashing action and overall pose! The whites look great too.
The contrast, splash, and details are fantastic, Will. You really nailed the exposure. Yeah, you could make the BG darker for even more drama, but I like it as presented. You just wanna be careful about going to far, ya know?
But a really memorable and well-executed frame.