Taken 5/08/2015 at South Llano River SP, TX.
Taken 5/08/2015 at South Llano River SP, TX.
Last edited by CM Prince; 06-20-2015 at 10:02 PM.
I am definitely not familiar with this bird since it is a rarity around here, but could White-eyed vireo be an option? The white iris, the wing bars and the yellow between the eye and the bill (can't recall how it is called in english...) leads me in this direction.
I agree with the White-eyed Vireo, but the chest is not yellow.
This is a White-eyed Vireo indeed. It does not have a yellow chest, as it should not. They do have yellow on the sides, but the front is whitish with a very tiny bit of yellow wash more visible in some.
Try the new app -- it works fine on your photo
by the way - its free and its from Cornell Labs