The ETL crew and BPN are proud to announce the new Bi- Weekly ETL Lesson/ Themes. Every two weeks we will have a scheduled Lesson/Theme.
Images that are not lesson/theme based are ALWAYS allowed and participation in the lessons/themes is optional.
Please note - ETL will only be accepting nature based images, all other images can be posted in Family And Friends!
HOW THE CONTEST WORKS- Every two weeks a new Lesson/Theme will be announced. Contestants enter their image by starting their thread title with the prefix Lesson or Theme. This will help the judges decide which images are intended for the contest. At the end of the month the judges will decide their favorites and post a result thread in this Forum. The winner will receive our wildcard vote for IOTW (Image of the Week). IT IS IMPORTANT TO CRITIQUE OTHER PEOPLES' WORK AS IT WILL HELP THE JUDGES!!!
Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula artica)
Thread Starter: Jonathan AshtonImage captured on the Isle of Mull, I decided to have another look at it as it wasn't possible to go this year.
Last Post By: Jonathan Ashton Today, 10:03 AMOM-1 Olympus 300mm (600mm