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denise ippolito

  1. Nickerson Beach Workshop

    Join me for 4 sessions of photography during a 2 day hands on workshop at Nickerson Beach, Long Island, NY. We will be meeting in the parking lot at Nickerson Beach at 5:45am sharp July 14th for a morning session. We will take a break in the afternoon which should give you plenty of time to download and review your images. The afternoon/evening shoot on July 14th will be at 6:00pm where we will once again meet in the parking lot. Sunday July 15th morning session will meet in the parking lot ...
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  2. Lonaconing Silk Mill 2-Day Workshop

    Join me at Lonaconing Silk Mill, in Lonaconing Maryland for a two day photography workshop. We will photograph on Saturday May 12th from 1:00pm till 5:00pm inside the mill, then outside of the mill till 6pm. We will break for an hour then we will spend time sharing our images with the group. This will aid us all in seeing different views, perspectives, etc.. I will give an HDR processing and Photoshop demonstration. Sunday morning at 9am we will head back out to the Silk Mill to capture all of those ...
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  3. Bok Tower Gardens Feb 2013 Workshop Announced.

    Bloomin’ Ideas 2- Day Workshop and Slide Program
    at [URL=""]Bok Tower Gardens[/URL] ~ Lake Wales, FL (Central Florida)

    Dates: Saturday February 23rd and Sunday February 24th 2013
    Friday Feb. 22nd at 3:00pm ~ one hour Slide Program/Lecture "The Softer Side Of Macro” (open to the public).
    Cost: $350.00 ~ $315.00 (garden members)
    Time: 8:00am- 3:00pm both days

    Join me for a 2 day in-the-field photography and ...
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  4. Smugmug Leader

    I am happy to announce that I have been invited to become a Smugmug Leader. I will be giving my Program/lectures to Smugmug groups around the country. If you are a member of Smugmug you can join a local Smugmug meetup group free and attend Programs and Lectures by Smugmug Leaders from around the nation. If you are a Smugmug member and would like me to give a program for your meet-up group just contact Smugmug and they will let me know. Hope to see you on the road...:S3:
  5. Dropbox

    For years I have been using You Sendit and or Adobe Send Now. While in Sarasota giving my lecture fellow photographer Jeff Wendorff turned me onto Dropbox. It is a free service and they also offer a pay for use service. I am using the free service and it is going to be a great way for workshop clients to share their images with me and the rest of the group. I will also use it to share large files and view files from my phone. I just wanted to pass this on to others as I was thrilled to find out ...
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