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    (Miscellaneous Technologies / Photography) an image of an object, person, scene, etc., in the form of a print or slide recorded by a camera on photosensitive material Often shortened to photo

    1. The [B]art[/B][I] or process of producing images of objects on photosensitive surfaces.
    2. The art, practice, or occupation of taking and printing photographs.
    3. A body of photographs.

    [/I]Every time a photographer ...

    Updated 11-07-2010 at 10:08 PM by denise ippolito

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  2. Arthur Morris-My Story and Interview

    here is an excerpt: [I]I learned a lot about Artie the “man.” He is a wonderful father and grandfather. He loves his 2 daughters and his grandchildren very much. Seeing him run around with them makes me see the young boy inside of him. He always reminds me of a kid with his boyish charm. He has a devilish smile and grin. He loves to read and I love it more when he reads to me. He tells me stories about everything. He is a great storyteller.[/I]
    [I]Artie is not much into style and he ...

    Updated 10-24-2010 at 10:49 PM by denise ippolito

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  3. Photographing at the Barnegat Jetty

    The Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, NJ
    which is located at the northern end of Long Beach Island is where you will find the famed “Barnegat Jetty”

    If you are a birder or bird photographer as I am, this is a must visit destination during the winter. Purple Sandpiper, Dunlin, Ruddy Turnstone, Black-bellied Plover, Sanderling and Herring Gull can all be viewed easily from the jetty.

    Horned Lark and Snow Bunting can usually be seen on the sand dunes. In some years Snowy ...

    Updated 01-12-2011 at 08:57 AM by denise ippolito

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  4. Galapagos Sea Lions

    I put together a collection of Sea Lion images from my recent trip to the Galapagos. They are by far my most popular images, at least by my friends which are mainly girls- go figure! They are so innocent looking and each one captured my attention. Sea Lions seem to pose for you and are so friendly they almost beg you with their eyes to touch them. However tempting they are it is very important to respect the wildlife and allow them to remain wild.
  5. Nickerson Beach Workshop

    Roman Kuryczwak and I just finished our last workshop for the season at Nickerson. They were all wonderful and I want to thank each of our clients for making the workshops so successful. The activity at Nickerson continues to be strong. I will be going there as much as possible in the next 2 months and urge anyone who hasn't been there to give it a try. I will be offering one on one workshops at Nickerson during the month of August. I have booked a couple of private sessions already and am looking ...
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