View Full Version : Eager To Learn (Archived)

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  1. Bad Day or Good Day?
  2. Posting Tutorial
  3. Free Ride
  4. Royal Terns at Ft. DeSoto
  5. Green Finch
  6. Green Heron
  7. Great Blue Herons
  8. First Photo Post - Costas Hummingbird
  9. Mom & Kit
  10. Kingfisher
  11. Gliding By
  12. A Deer Reflection
  13. Rainbow Bee-eaters
  14. Nuthatch
  15. Chickadee
  16. To much exposure or not??
  17. Oriole
  18. Tufted Titmouse
  19. Nuthatch
  20. What are you lookin at?
  21. what do you think?
  22. Feather care
  23. Willet at Port Aransas
  24. Harrier at sunset
  25. White-headed Pigeon
  26. Curve-billed Thrasher
  27. Should the fence post stay or go?
  28. Sparrow
  29. Snow Geese
  30. Pied Kingfisher
  31. Eagles
  32. Red Shafted Northern Flicker
  33. Little Robin Redbreast
  34. First photo post
  35. Red-tailed Hawk
  36. South Island Pied Oystercatcher
  37. Red-Shouldered Hawk in Wind
  38. Tufted Titmouse
  39. No Rules, Just Guidelines.
  40. Before and After
  41. Clark's Nuthatch
  42. Canada Geese
  43. Rainbow Bee-eater Take Off
  44. Waxwing
  45. Before and After Bird !!!
  46. Before and After Loon with Chick
  47. Surf Scoter with catch
  48. Osprey
  49. Question about composition
  50. Another composition
  51. Big Day Out - First Day Out of the Nest
  52. Spoonbill in Flamingo
  53. Port A Pelican
  54. Juvenile eagle eating a fish
  55. Alcedo Atthis / Kingfisher
  56. Screaming shadow
  57. South Island Pied Oystercatcher
  58. Sharpshinned Bird Watcher
  59. Dragonslayer
  60. Ruddy Turnstone
  61. Red Bellied Wood Pecker
  62. Grey Bushchat
  63. Our of the box before and after
  64. Nuthatch (Sitta europaea)
  65. Kingfisher
  66. Great Blue Herons
  67. Jpeg Problem ? Is RAW the solution ?
  68. Great Blue Heron
  69. Proud Pratincole
  70. Coot in Mud Puddle
  71. Sea Gull
  72. My first post
  73. Barred Owl
  74. Burrowing Owl
  75. Rookery Drama
  76. Curve-Billed Thrasher in yard
  77. Bluebird
  78. Glove or No Glove
  79. Royal Spoonbill
  80. Before and After Bird !!! (again :))
  81. Great Blue - Cropping suggestions
  82. Blue Heron
  83. Grey Bushchat
  84. Sage Grouse
  85. Shouty Starling
  86. Another composition
  87. Great Blue on Ice
  88. Loggerhead Shrike
  89. Brown Shrike
  90. Red-shouldered Hawk
  91. Thorns Of Frost
  92. White-fronted Tern
  93. Sea Lions
  94. Hawk
  95. Reddish Egret at sunrise
  96. Great Horned Owl with story
  97. Grey Bushchat
  98. Spotted Sandpiper
  99. Out of the fog (before and after)
  100. Heron by the Pond
  101. Lanner Falcon
  102. Snowy Egret at Ding Darling NWR
  103. Bald Eagle
  104. Tri-Colored Heron
  105. White-faced Heron
  106. Blue Bird in Winter
  107. Rim of light
  108. Egyptian Goose
  109. Extreme make-over (before and after)
  110. The Claw
  111. Heron in a tree
  112. Lemur close crop.
  113. Wandering Tattler
  114. American Goldfinch
  115. Before and After (Not all need an extreme)
  116. Male Downy Woodpecker
  117. Before and After Little Blue
  118. Mockingbird at bird bath
  119. Pelican
  120. Brown Thrasher
  121. Before and after (Extreme crop)
  122. Wood Stork playing with its breakfast
  123. Swans at Whitesbog NJ
  124. Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
  125. Bobcat
  126. Sanderling
  127. Cedar waxwing
  128. Outtake #1 - Brown Pelican...
  129. Spoonbill
  130. Northern Cardinal
  131. Kingfishers
  132. Tuatara Crop
  133. Perky Male House Finch
  134. Sharp-shinned Hawk
  135. First Post
  136. Acorn Woodpecker in the Wild
  137. Coming in
  138. Home Comming
  139. backlit egret
  140. Curve-billed Thrasher high in Arizona Ash
  141. Shaking
  142. Bluebirds on Ice
  143. Red Squirrel and Bird Feeder
  144. Common Buckeye Photo
  145. Kingfisher
  146. Gould Wild Turkey, least known of 5 wild turkey species
  147. Geese on Ice
  148. Horn Head
  149. Osprey
  150. Robin
  151. Old world House Sparrow on Arizona Ash
  152. Peregrine - Flyby
  153. My favorite (but bad) image of all time.
  154. Eagle
  155. Bosque Blur
  156. Osprey's again
  157. Ring-Necked Duck
  158. Hot Little Hen
  159. Harris's Hawk Juvenile beside Fish Pond
  160. clone question
  161. Variable Oystercatcher
  162. Clone More?
  163. First Post
  164. Unscrewed Barn Owl Background
  165. Mom and me
  166. yellow-bellied sapsucker
  167. Great Blue Heron
  168. Bosque Del Apache Birdscape
  169. House Finch Bad Hair Day
  170. The Sentinel
  171. Snowgeese into the morning sun
  172. Blue-headed Vireo
  173. House Finch Perched Gingerly
  174. Before and After (backlit)
  175. Neuse Winds Dock with skim ice
  176. Anna's hummingbird Immature
  177. White Ibis
  178. Northern Shoveler
  179. female cardinal in the brambles
  180. Great White Egret
  181. Golden Orb Weaver
  182. Anna's Hummingbird (Juvenile) in the garden
  183. Northern Shoveler 2
  184. Falcon - Bosque del Apache
  185. Kestrel on a windy day
  186. Oversized lunch
  187. Ardea herodias
  188. My lucky capture
  189. Dark-eyed Junco (Red-bck) at Madera Canyon
  190. Mocking Bird
  191. Question about composition
  192. What to do?
  193. Black Redstart on fence
  194. Can This Shot Be Saved?
  195. Northern Shovler at Sweetwater, Tucson, AZ
  196. Everglades Landscape
  197. Help Requested
  198. Shadow Birds
  199. Great Spotted Woodpecker (male)
  200. Just a Sparrow
  201. Crandon Gardens
  202. Northern Shoveler "Eat my dust"
  203. Whooping Cranes
  204. Discovery Bay on a late winter afternoon
  205. Bohemian Waxwing
  206. What should I fix here?
  207. Royal Spoonbill
  208. Three Of The Kind
  209. Egret at Rockport, TX on a foggy morning
  210. Water Lily
  211. Osprey
  212. Pine Grosbeak
  213. Artistic Goldfinch in yard
  214. Sunset
  215. Green Cay Landscape
  216. Crimson Rosella
  217. Oysters & Snowy Egret
  218. The Histogram learning Curve
  219. Squirrel in Feeder
  220. Gila Woodpecker visit
  221. Junco questions
  222. Estuary rambling,BIF & Sunny F16 rule.
  223. Head Angle Police (HAP) Tutorial?
  224. Great Spotted Woodpeckers in flight
  225. Female House Finch in yard
  226. GBH, before and after
  227. Nice Couple
  228. Loonie Loon
  229. Gold Finch
  230. Taming harsh light
  231. Roseate Spoonbill
  232. Anhinga
  233. Naughty Red-tailed Hawks on power pole, Madera Canyon
  234. Yet Another Northern Shoveler
  235. Brown Pelican in Australian Pine Tree
  236. Back yard Blue Jay
  237. APTATS in the Head!
  238. Old World House Sparrow
  239. Shovin' off
  240. Sun!
  241. lousy Bald Eagle photo
  242. Preening Shoveller
  243. Early Morning Swim
  244. Backyard Grosbeak
  245. Pentax K10D Metering & Thanks Alfred.
  246. Reddish Egret Eating
  247. Great Blue Heron
  248. Lox GHO
  249. Curve-billed Thrasher on Guard
  250. BIF Bald Eagle