View Full Version : Avian: About Birds

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  1. Don't Mess with Mama
  2. Not what I expected!
  3. Purple Martin Feeding behavior
  4. I need help with ID
  5. Kryptic Killdeer
  6. Hovering versus Kiting
  7. Skimming 101
  8. Getting rid of Bugs
  9. Genetic relationships of birds
  10. Just Bathing?
  11. Missing feather???
  12. Oystercatcher Eyes
  13. Cedar Waxwing Feeding: a bit of sleight of hand (beak)
  14. Snail kite building nest
  15. Better Beamer Risky?
  16. Community Involvement in Bank Swallows?
  17. What is he doing?
  18. Rhynchokinesis
  19. White Tail Hawk
  20. Need Confirmation of ID as Sardinian Warbler
  21. Killdeer nesting behavior in hot climates
  22. Molting Canada Goose
  23. Cara Cara Raiding a Nest
  24. ID help
  25. Gull versus Peregrine
  26. Bluejay without tail feathers
  27. Hawk tilting head
  28. creching in waterfowl
  29. Sick Swallow?
  30. projectile pooping
  31. Oystercatcher Questions...
  32. Bald Eagle floating on lake
  33. Loon Fights
  34. What's this?
  35. ID
  36. A corvid... fishing!
  37. What is this?
  38. Ospreys and headless fish
  39. Purple Martin forced first flight.
  40. ID Help?
  41. Dead or alive?
  42. Atlantic Puffin (juvenile)
  43. Insect Hunting Behavior?
  44. Species ID
  45. Help ID
  46. ID Help
  47. Need an ID please
  48. Looking for a name
  49. Does molting hurt?
  50. What is this bird, please?
  51. ID confirm, please
  52. British Bird ID Please
  53. Forum message
  54. Unusual GBH Behavior
  55. Help with ID
  56. When loons lose breeding plumage?
  57. Strange Markings for an Egret
  58. Who Am I?
  59. ID puzzle
  60. What is it?
  61. What am I
  62. ID help please!
  63. ID please!
  64. I wish I were a shorebird expert :-)
  65. more on eye flecks
  66. Tern: help with I.D. please.
  67. Who am I?
  68. Eagle Bathing
  69. House Finch deformity
  70. Is this a Loggerhead Shrike?
  71. ID Help
  72. Legless shorebirds?
  73. Long-billed dowitcher
  74. Short-billed Dowitcher?
  75. Gull Behavior
  76. Juvenile Ruby Throat?
  77. Plover ID
  78. I got one for you
  79. Hummingbird vs Falcon... Defending a nest?
  80. Pellet ejection in shorebirds.
  81. What Am I?
  82. ID Please
  83. Western Sandpiper?
  84. ID Help please
  85. ID Help Please
  86. ID?
  87. 2 shorebirds
  88. Quite The Appetite
  89. Quiz bird?
  90. What am I?
  91. ID Please
  92. What am I? ID help please.
  93. Id ?
  94. ID please
  95. Blackpoll Warbler, female?
  96. Flycatcher
  97. Which Sandpiper?
  98. Confusing Fall Warbler
  99. Yellow Rumped Warbler?
  100. ID Please
  101. Sparrow
  102. ID?
  103. Red Crossbill?
  104. Your ID advise please!
  105. Gull ID please...
  106. Coopers Hawk?
  107. Brutal
  108. Grouse??
  109. And you thought you had those large gulls sussed!!!
  110. ID Please
  111. Sparrow ID please
  112. hawk crops
  113. Song(?) Sparrow Portrait
  114. Another Sparrow ID
  115. I.D. please!
  116. Tangled in Traffic
  117. Hawk ID please
  118. Crested Caracara
  119. Mergansers and Crows
  120. Duck ID Please
  121. Is this an Iceland Gull?
  122. When you gotta go......
  123. osprey diet ??
  124. Shorebird ... no id
  125. Gadwall Mallard Cross Breed?
  126. Grackle varient?
  127. Adult Iceland "Kumlien's" Gull
  128. Least, Willow or Alder
  129. Different GB
  130. New Zealand Falcon Nest Site
  131. nutmeg mannikin
  132. Ringed Kingfisher - Extended Range?
  133. Warbler ID
  134. Ross's Goose
  135. Gull ????
  136. House Finch or Purple Finch?
  137. Sandhill crane dark morph?
  138. Laughing Gull?
  139. Shorebird Help
  140. Shoveler Behavior
  141. strange cardinal
  142. What is this raptor?
  143. Bosque hawk ID, please?
  144. Sandhill Cranes leg positions while flying?
  145. House Finch pair?
  146. Is This a Goose-Mallard?
  147. Blonde turkey vulture..
  148. Bosque ID no 1
  149. Bosque ID no 2
  150. Bosque ID no 3 (last one)
  151. Thanks for a great Year
  152. Snowy Owl - A Marine Species?
  153. Cooper's or Sharp-Shinned?
  154. tough accipiter
  155. Cleaning House (Sort of Graphic)
  156. Neotropical Cormorant & Stick
  157. What Woodpecker is This?
  158. Another Snowy Owl Article
  159. Sea Turtle and Bird tracking
  160. ID Please
  161. Just for ID purposes
  162. ID Help
  163. Warbler I.D. anyone?
  164. Hawk attacks Eagle--behavioral
  165. ID - Purple or House Finch?
  166. Another "I'm coming to get you" image
  167. Snow Geese or Ross's
  168. Sparrow?
  169. What is this bird???
  170. Very very difficult id
  171. Ross's Goose?
  172. Attack #3
  173. Which hummingbird?
  174. What's wrong with his face?
  175. Thayer's or Iceland (Kumlien's)
  176. ID, please
  177. Positive Identification
  178. Sparrow Expertise Needed
  179. The chase
  180. Willet or Dowitcher ID help
  181. Great Egret Sharpening Beak @ Gatorland
  182. Eye Lashes?
  183. Warbler?
  184. Body Language tutorial
  185. Female or Juvie RW Blackbird?
  186. What you see is what you get
  187. Which gull?
  188. How about this one ?
  189. I can't do flycatchers
  190. Another from Hyde Park
  191. Gull Id
  192. Rock or Willow Ptarmigan?
  193. tree of a golden soul at Amritsar, India
  194. Keywords
  195. Eastern Phoebe?
  196. Juvenile Sharpie?
  197. When Snail Kites Attack
  198. Bird Migration & Global Warming
  199. Cooper's Hawk (I think)
  200. Snowy Owl
  201. Oregon shorebird
  202. Why are Egrets White?
  203. Off-Duty Great Blue Heron
  204. White Morph of the Reddish Egret
  205. What a freak!
  206. Unusual bird evolution
  207. Help with ID
  208. Help with plover
  209. Whooping Crane Article
  210. Woodpecker ID
  211. 2 Rare birds in 1 frame @ Shark Valley
  212. GBH. What's this doing?
  213. Is this a sparrow or some sort of Warbler?
  214. Holy Spoony
  215. Bill or Beak?
  216. A Different Way to Get a Meal
  217. Gull?
  218. Hawk Owl pair feeding
  219. Common Ravens Collecting Nesting Material
  220. I.D. Please
  221. id?
  222. Painted Bunting ??
  223. ID Question
  224. Duck Dance
  225. Snowy or Piping plover
  226. Accipiter ID
  227. Scarlet Tanager, juvenile?
  228. Mystery bird from India
  229. Warbler
  230. Mallard getting his grub on
  231. Sora In The Open
  232. Game of Tag?
  233. id?
  234. ID reference forum
  235. ID?
  236. Canada Goose eating ice
  237. Please ID??
  238. What is up with this Owl's eye?
  239. Hawk ID
  240. ID ? Florida Bird
  241. Gull ID help, what fun?
  242. Parasite?
  243. How should I photograph a Red-tailed Hawk in a nest?
  244. State of the Birds
  245. which sandpiper
  246. Duck ID
  247. Cooper's Hawk??
  248. Sparrow/Warbler Problems
  249. Noob ID Question
  250. Are these winter/juvenile black-bellied plovers or what?