View Full Version : Video Discussion and Critiques

  1. Does f stop influence the video capture?
  2. 7d Video Fieldfare and Robin
  3. Sparrow Hawk
  4. All right, my first try
  5. Slow Motion Landing
  6. It seemed so simple at first
  7. It seemed so simple at first
  8. Red-shouldered Hawk, perched, turns
  9. American Coot feeding
  10. Aigrettes
  11. How Did I Lose The Audio On Uploading To You Tube?
  12. A Quick one
  13. Microphones and DSLR videos
  14. Microphone with reflector?
  15. Bald Eagle and Eaglet
  16. iMovie
  17. Burrowing owls Mark IV video
  18. Pileated Woodpeckers Excavating Nest Holes
  19. My First Nature Video
  20. courtship dancing of rock pigeon
  21. Lots of good info about video for mac & pc
  22. 1d Mark IV video takes on Botswana Safari
  23. Northern Flicker working on nest
  24. Which fluid head for video work?
  25. Royalty free music
  26. Magic Lantern
  27. Bird videography books...
  28. American Coots dabbling, Alligator napping
  29. SUPER © freeware video conversion software
  30. Those Silly Birds
  31. Alligator courtship behavior
  32. The Gatorland Egrets - A Love Story
  33. Eastern Meadowlark
  34. Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers nesting
  35. Great Egrets mating, Venice Rookery
  36. Something you may have never seen
  37. Cliff Swallows
  38. Video of a female Goldfinch
  39. Tripod Spoof
  40. Tripod Spoof
  41. Wyoming
  42. The Great Camera Shootout 2010 final episode
  43. Thunderstorm
  44. Visions of Arizona
  45. Yellow-headed Blackbird
  46. Sandhill Cranes nesting/ baby dies
  47. Piping Plovers, Plymouth Beach
  48. Convert .mov to .mp3???
  49. Nikon DLSR with AF Video
  50. TV viewing question
  51. Summer Visions of the Great Smoky Mountains
  52. More Piping Plovers, Plymouth Bach
  53. Birds of Valley
  54. My first DSLR wildlife video using the D3s
  55. Buffer limitations????
  56. Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary
  57. Dancing with Cranes - Trailer
  58. Woody Red Belly and the Tree of Doom - iMovie Trailer
  59. Video DSLR Assistance Respectfully Requested!
  60. Updated version of the Corkscrew Swamp video
  61. Nikon Camera Control Pro for tethered video?
  62. Best Canon DSLR and Lens combination for Video
  63. Rode VideoMic Pro Questions
  64. The Swans of Fairlee Creek
  65. Sea Otters On Land
  66. Saving video files to external
  67. A Call in the Rainforest - preview
  68. Does time lapse count?
  69. A tour of Big Bend
  70. Hong Kong Skyline Time Lapse from the Sky View Terrace 428
  71. St. Dominic's Cemetery
  72. St Dominic's Church Ruins
  73. Big Bend- The HD version is finished
  74. A Special Gift
  75. King Penguins And A Little Fur Seal
  76. Snowy Owl Photo Slideshow
  77. Funny: Canon 5DII footage used in Nikon D800 promo video
  78. The Life of Flowers
  79. Heavy criticism of the 5D III video
  80. Video Mic Question
  81. Entangled
  82. Panasonic GH2
  83. Video editing software suggestions?
  84. First step towards the final goal - Wild Maharashtra Video
  85. Shadow Mountain Aurora
  86. BEWARE! Claro virus alert!
  87. Song of the Crested Bunting Male.
  88. Wild India: Elephant Attacks trailer
  89. Blue Mountains, Australia (timelapse)
  90. Canon 5Dlll unlocked to do RAW video
  91. A movie from Sweden.
  92. Meal Time at Arcata Marsh
  93. Wild Maharashtra
  94. heron vs eagle
  95. How to edit, mix, shoot video, take pictures and alter them like a professional?
  96. Birds around Pune
  97. Elements
  98. Woodland Spirits of Brockholes
  99. Water Birds of Brockholes
  100. Our Bushy Invader - Brockholes Wildlife Reserve
  101. *WARNING* Battle of the Swans - Brockholes Wildlife Reserve
  102. Wildlife Tracker - Brockholes Nature Reserve - 27/02/15
  103. Swan Song - First test in Ultra-HD
  104. A Tale of Four Swans - Brockholes
  105. The Beauty of Nature - Brockholes Nature Reserve
  106. Birds of the Forest - Brockholes Wildlife Reserve
  107. The Arrival of Spring - Brockholes Nature Reserve
  108. *RARE* Great Crested Grebe Dance
  109. Breeding Season Begins - Brockholes Nature Reserve
  110. Creatures of the Dusk - Brockholes Wildlife Reserve
  111. *CAUTION* Violent Canada Geese Attacks!
  112. Slow-Motion Raptors - Loch Lomond Bird of Prey Center 2015
  113. Coot Chicks! *CUTE*
  114. *CUTE* Little Yellow Canada Geese Chicks
  115. *ACTION* Boxing Hares Fight!
  116. Aerial videos of fortresses, churches and landscapes
  117. Video Help Needed with simple editing in Photoshop
  118. Osprey eating breakfast
  119. Wintering of the birds in Croatian Lake
  120. The great spotted woodpecker plunders the long-tailed tit's nest.
  121. The wetlands of Greece