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Thread: Help Needed

  1. #1
    Publisher Arthur Morris's Avatar
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    Default Help Needed

    I have received an itinerary for a proposed bird photography trip to Australia and am concerned that it is more of a birding trip than a photography trip. Akos has kindly agreed to try and help. If there is anyone else who might fit that bill, please e-mail me and I will forward the itinerary to you.

    thanks and later and love and cheers, artie
    BIRDS AS ART Blog: great info and lessons, lots of images with our legendary BAA educational Captions; we will not sell you junk. 30+ years of long lens experience/e-mail with gear questions.

    BIRDS AS ART Online Store: we will not sell you junk. 35 years of long lens experience. Please e-mail with gear questions.

    Check out the new SONY e-Guide and videos that I did with Patrick Sparkman here. Ten percent discount for BPN members,

    E-mail me at

  2. #2
    BPN Viewer
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    Hi Arthur
    re bird trip to Oz
    Not sure if I "fit the bill".
    I live in Cairns, Far North Queensland, twixt the rainforest & the Gt Barrier Reef.
    I am a zoologist who majored in ornithology, my degrees all encompass bird behaviour.
    Previously I have worked as consultant ornithologist to the Gt Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority & Queensland Parks & Wildlife Service as well as a birding tour guide.
    Like you I also enjoy taking snapshots of birds. :)

    I understand your apprehension, many companies do confuse the distance required for a good tick off a list & that required for a fine photograph. As you obviously are aware, the two are vastly different (unless perhaps you may be digiscoping but I tend to think you will not be).
    Send me your itinerary & I will be glad to help where & when I can.
    Ill send my email address via a PM
    Frank Harrison
    (Your man down under).

  3. #3
    Michael Sowden


    Arthur, If you are going to be in the Gold Coast or Brisbane area, I would recommend that you contact O'Reillys in Lamington national park. They are a guesthouse / lodge in the rainforest above the gold coast and are world famous for the resident bird life.

  4. #4
    Ákos Lumnitzer


    Send a PM to Thonnaksar Nop (Sar) he has some amazing images from Lamington NP. Though he is a Sydney-sider like me. :)

  5. #5
    Publisher Arthur Morris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Sowden View Post
    Arthur, If you are going to be in the Gold Coast or Brisbane area, I would recommend that you contact O'Reillys in Lamington national park. They are a guesthouse / lodge in the rainforest above the gold coast and are world famous for the resident bird life.
    Thanks. O'Reilly's is on the itin, our last stop. How is the bird photography there?
    BIRDS AS ART Blog: great info and lessons, lots of images with our legendary BAA educational Captions; we will not sell you junk. 30+ years of long lens experience/e-mail with gear questions.

    BIRDS AS ART Online Store: we will not sell you junk. 35 years of long lens experience. Please e-mail with gear questions.

    Check out the new SONY e-Guide and videos that I did with Patrick Sparkman here. Ten percent discount for BPN members,

    E-mail me at

  6. #6
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    Hi Artie
    thanks for sending me your itinerary.
    In essence you are correct in your suspicion.
    You stand more chance of getting a full frame portrait of Bigfoot reading Mad magazine than obtaining BAA standard images of this spectrum of species, especially with your time constraints.
    That said, I wouldn't throw he baby out with the bath water, there are good things to expect.
    Ill send a more detailed email to your address later today

  7. #7
    Michael Sowden


    O'Reillys is a fantastic spot for photography Arthur, Parrots and Bowerbirds are in residence around the lodge year round and are very used to people, and they come out into the open so photography is alot easier :-) When are you coming to Aussie?, a Satin Bowerbird built his bower right in the front garden of the lodge last summer and he might be back there this year with abit of luck.
    The guides at the lodge can help you locate the rainforest species around the place, they are very knowledgable (during bird week each year the species count goes into the hundreds)

  8. #8
    Tony Kirkby

    Default Oz visit

    Are you visiting the south west?


  9. #9
    Ákos Lumnitzer



    Sydney, Capertee Valley, Tasmania, SA and Kangaroo Island then Lamington NP. :)

  10. #10
    Ákos Lumnitzer


    Quote Originally Posted by frank harrison View Post
    Hi Artie
    thanks for sending me your itinerary.
    In essence you are correct in your suspicion.
    You stand more chance of getting a full frame portrait of Bigfoot reading Mad magazine than obtaining BAA standard images of this spectrum of species, especially with your time constraints.
    That said, I wouldn't throw he baby out with the bath water, there are good things to expect.
    Ill send a more detailed email to your address later today
    I do disagree. While time is constrained, I indicated to Artie at least two to three days in each locality would be best, but with the right equipment and the local know-how he'd be able to get more than superb images - that's why he is a professional. :) In Sydney and surrounds he'd have one of the best and knowledgable guides around. :) He may not get 200 species in each area, but he would get a few dozen at best. Still for someone who has not been in Australia, it's a good itinerary. Perhaps more aimed at twitchers though than photographers .

  11. #11
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    Dear Akos
    You are allowed to disagree.
    However your last sentence reflects what I have stated, the text of the itinerary is more aimed at birders than photographers.
    I also stated that there are good things to expect. And indeed there are.
    As for your other comments, about the Sydney area, I address them in a somewhat similar vein in a private email between Mr Morris & myself.
    Thank you for your input.
    Keep safe

  12. #12
    Tony Kirkby


    Hi Akos

    This means they miss the best part!!:)

  13. #13
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    By Golly Tony!
    You are spot on!!!
    A bird photography safari to Australia...omitting both WA & Far North Queensland (where I can get you Birds of Paradise from arms length).
    Its scandalous!!!!!
    ;-) ;-) ;-)

    Be lucky mates,

  14. #14
    Michael Sowden


    Artie, I live in the rainforest above Brisbane not that far from O'Reillys and are very familiar with the local bird species. Please let me know if require any "local" knowledge ;)

  15. #15
    Ákos Lumnitzer


    Quote Originally Posted by frank harrison View Post
    Dear Akos
    You are allowed to disagree.
    However your last sentence reflects what I have stated, the text of the itinerary is more aimed at birders than photographers.
    I also stated that there are good things to expect. And indeed there are.
    As for your other comments, about the Sydney area, I address them in a somewhat similar vein in a private email between Mr Morris & myself.
    Thank you for your input.
    Keep safe
    Whatever choice Artie makes will be final.

  16. #16
    Lance Peters


    No Westerrn treatment plant or Kakadu on the list either??

  17. #17
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    Ah yes Lance, splendour indeed abounds at those places.

    Still not sure what you are getting at Akos.
    We have both essentially proffered our kindred spirit the SAME advice!?!?!?

    I must also add that from experience, both Arthur & I are aware that working as a tour guide is very different to photographing for yourself. It doesn't matter if you are the greatest photographer on the planet or even the Phantom of the Opera. First & foremost you are responsible for the safety of say 20 individuals. Next is allowing them to get the best images that they can. As well as teaching time you are also acting as general factotum, things that can go wrong sometimes will with a potential of 20 fold. Coat left in hotel, lost flashcard, bleeding haemorrhoids (no joke! -I hold nursing as well as zoology qualifications thus am qualified to make that statement) All these things can sponge up your time significantly. There is also the risk of a rogue participant who, if you gave them a Panda mating with a penguin would still moan like Meldrew.

    That said I think we can all agree that the safari will be a most worthwhile experience for all involved, in Australia, the greatest little country in the world, no worries! Pity, Birds of Paradise @ arms length......Birds of Paradise @ arms length.....Birds of Paradise @ arms length....Bir..... :-)
    Cheers mates

  18. #18
    Lance Peters


    The treatment plant is huge 10,000 ha - I am still finding my way around there - its easy to get lost --- LOL .
    Just cant seem to spend enough time there - gotta love overcast days - more time to explore - more opportunities.

    Pity Artie is not coming to do some workshops!!!!


  19. #19
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    Hi Lance
    I greatly envy your ability to visit Werribee on a regular basis. As a zoologist I spent many happy hours delving into the 'produce' at Townsville sewage works. Oh what joys turned up.

    Alas these days companies prefer to offer more sterile venues in their glossy brochures. They would not be keen to advertise a trip to what 'Kenny's" dad called a "turd factory'. Alas, they know not what they miss.

    On a similar line I notice O'Relly's used to have a great website for those of our ilk to enjoy. Sadly it has now been highly polished & aimed more at the wedding & corporate holiday crowd, thereby masking the delights it holds for our bretheren.

    Luckily we still have friends like Michael to give us the current 'good oil' in that location.

    If you ever come up to this neck of the woods, do let us know & I will assist where & when I can old sport.


  20. #20
    Publisher Arthur Morris's Avatar
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    Thanks to all above for their comments. I have been corresponding with the organizers in an effort to exicse the endangdered parrot trip... If I cam early to do an in-classroom workshop, where would I do it? Before answering that, please see my new post above as I will attempt to tackle this beast from a different dirrection! Apologies if you e-mailed and I did not get back to you. Have been swamped...
    BIRDS AS ART Blog: great info and lessons, lots of images with our legendary BAA educational Captions; we will not sell you junk. 30+ years of long lens experience/e-mail with gear questions.

    BIRDS AS ART Online Store: we will not sell you junk. 35 years of long lens experience. Please e-mail with gear questions.

    Check out the new SONY e-Guide and videos that I did with Patrick Sparkman here. Ten percent discount for BPN members,

    E-mail me at

  21. #21
    Lance Peters


    Hi Artie - to me it would not matter were you did it, I would say either Brisbane or Adelaide - any of the major capital cities. (Depends on how early you decide to come and whether you want to try and fit any other sites in that you are not planning to go to on the organised tour)
    As to were you would hold the seminar - I am sure most of the major hotels have conference facilities available.

    I am a member of Birds Australia -as I am sure many others - happy to help get the word out through there and other birding clubs etc.

    VOTE 1 - PROPOSITION 101 - Artie to do a classroom Workshop.


  22. #22
    Michael Sowden


    If there is any kind of workshop with you Artie, count me in :-)

  23. #23

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