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Thread: Snowy Squirrel

  1. #1
    BPN Member Andreas Liedmann's Avatar
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    Default Snowy Squirrel

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    Hi folks ... before i post nothing , i do post a fresh Squirrel from the week end .
    We had just a bit of snow ....

    Canon EOS R3
    RF 100 - 500 IS L at 500 mm

    F 7,1 ; Iso 10.000 ; 1/1000 sec

    Processed with DPP 4 and PSCC 2023 ; slight crop

    You might miss the tail ... well it was hidden behind snow , so i thought go vertical

    THanks for watching and commenting to my previous Squirrels .

    Cheers Andreas

  2. #2
    Story Sequences Moderator and Wildlife Moderator Gabriela Plesea's Avatar
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    Hello Andreas,

    I like it. And I understand why you decided to go vertical, I probably would have done the same, just to get a more 'intimate' view. Yes, tail ends abruptly... but so nice to have the subject fill the screen!

    Love the pose and cute little paws. The leaves coming out through the snow certainly add to the image. BG also looks good. Nice detail in the fur and tufts, great colours and deep tones - works for me Boetie, nice work. Sharp where it matters.

    Let us have more squirrels please, I enjoyed viewing this one and ready for more.

    PS Waiting for the week-end to find a gap and process something... it's tough out here at the moment with so many hours of 'load shedding', no electricity this afternoon for four and a half hours

    Hope you have a wonderful week-end and that you keep warm, here very hot and we are all hoping for some rain

    Kind regards,
    Gabriela Plesea

  3. #3
    Macro and Flora Moderator Jonathan Ashton's Avatar
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    Super cute shot, I like the colour of the fur. Details very good......only thing is...I miss the tail.

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