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Thread: Queen of Kabini

  1. #1
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    Default Queen of Kabini

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    From the jungles of central India, I travelled to the tropical forests of southern India in Nov. The landscape and topography changes from the dusty brown tones to lush green thick woodlands as can be seen in this image (compared to Tipeshwar which I posted previously) I was blessed with a lovely sighting of this Tigress. This was in Nagarhole tiger reserve (which is on the banks of Kabini river). It has limited 4X4 vehicles going in and has to be booked online well in advance. Kabini is renowned for leopard sightings and not so much for Tigers. I was not expecting much in this trip (did 4 safaris) so travelled with 1DX II and 100-400 L IS II USM.
    Here is a female relaxing next to the vehicle path.
    ISO 3200

  2. #2
    Wildlife Moderator Steve Kaluski's Avatar
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    Super encounter with the Tiger out in the open, very chilled, you must have been well stoked Sanjeev.

    I'll let Andreas do the thoughts on colour as I'm away, but the blacks I think look a bit heavy? Sadly its the log in the BKG that is hurting the capture for me, perhaps moving if possible to the left so you are shooting more right may have helped reduce the dominance and it isn't behind the Tiger? Tech look good.

    Crudely done on the laptop, but with the Raw and you have the skill Sanjeev you can remove it.

    Post Production: It’s ALL about what you do with the tools and not, which brand of tool you use.

  3. Thanks Sanjeev Aurangabadkar thanked for this post
  4. #3
    BPN Member Andreas Liedmann's Avatar
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    Hi Sanjeev ... you are firing really nice stuff with your Tiger gun
    This lady looks gorgeous in that lush green setting of Kabini ... and very cool that she does look relaxed , ears facing us is nice . Details and comp are about right , IMHO.
    Apart from the dark logs ( hey that is nature ) .... the image looks really nice for the most part . Agree with Steve about the dense blacks and his " burning " of the lighter tones helped to get more details viisble . Personally i think the light tones in the lady could go warmer ... they kinda cool , think it would suite better overall if they would be a touch warmer .
    But this is a matter of taste .

    Very nice to see you getting some nice shots .

    TFS Andrreas

  5. Thanks Sanjeev Aurangabadkar thanked for this post
  6. #4
    Macro and Flora Moderator Jonathan Ashton's Avatar
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    A delightful pose and super colours, detail in the coat looks good. Removal of the background log would appear to be time well spent.

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