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Thread: Spot the second cub!

  1. #1
    Forum Participant
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    Default Spot the second cub!

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    Hello folks,
    Here is another shot from our sighting in Tipeshwar wildlife sanctuary where we followed a mother and her 2 cubs for over an hour as they walked along a path. Most of the times with their back to us so had to wait for the opportunity when they would stop and look back. After a long wait got this opportunity where they turned back and walked a short distance towards us. Ours was the second vehicle from them. Another Gypsy 4x4 was in front so had to lean side ways with my 500mm lens to capture this hand held. There were at least 10 other vehicles behind us! So you can imagine the commotion. Well I think I was rewarded well for patience. The two cubs aligned nicely for this shot.
    5D IV
    500mm L II
    ISO 640

  2. #2
    Wildlife Moderator Steve Kaluski's Avatar
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    Well I think I was rewarded well for patience. The two cubs aligned nicely for this shot.
    Superb Sanjeev and very jealous of this encounter, really cool and unique, just love it. You did very well in achieving what you did and leaning out isn't that easy either, bet the other vehicles were incredibly jealous too.

    Just a though, 8.5x11 and as Andreas mentioned last time just slightly going a little darker in the FG????

    One note I forgot to mention re R3/5, if you do update, make sure your computer can take the Software update as you need the latest software to process the Cr3 files these cameras output as.

    Post Production: It’s ALL about what you do with the tools and not, which brand of tool you use.

  3. Thanks Sanjeev Aurangabadkar thanked for this post
  4. #3
    BPN Member Andreas Liedmann's Avatar
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    Hi Sanjeev ... this awesome priceless !!!!
    Such a cool capture !!.... a few inches higher of the second cub would have been the icing on the cake , but that is " complaining " on a very high level .
    Lucky dude you have been on that trip .
    I would agree with Steve about the comp and i do repeat my comment about the darkening of the sides ( like Steve illustrated ) and the overall very dominant oranges / yellows ... like the previous posting . But will leave that to you as color is subjective.

    Lovely shot and TFS Andreas

  5. Thanks Sanjeev Aurangabadkar thanked for this post
  6. #4
    Story Sequences Moderator and Wildlife Moderator Gabriela Plesea's Avatar
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    Wonderful capture Sanjeev, those chaps are super cute!

    Great light, lovely colours and warmth and I like the vegetation too, it all comes together so nicely.

    Pose from the subjects is great - love those ears and eyes peeking over, your patience certainly paid off and so did leaning sideways with some heavy gear

    Nice touch from Steve with his RP creating a tad more depth, helps the subjects stand out more. Overall a superb image with lots to look at, I so enjoyed viewing!!!

    Kind regards,
    Gabriela Plesea

  7. Thanks Sanjeev Aurangabadkar thanked for this post

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