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Thread: Saving master file in photoshop

  1. #1
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    Default Saving master file in photoshop

    Before finishing an image I save it as a TIFF with all the layers so I can go back and make changes later if I see something i missed. I recently read in a post someone mentioned saving it as a PSD. Is there an advantage to this ? I did try it with one image and a PSD is almost twice the size of a TIFF.

  2. #2
    Lifetime Member Doug Brown's Avatar
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    I don't believe that saving in PSD increases file size to any significant extent. I save layered TIFF files because contests and magazines usually ask for TIFF files.
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  3. #3
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    I also save them as TIFF files with layers in tact. PSD increases the file size. Also using TIFF will enable you to open the file in other post processing software, PSD is adobe proprietary format and can’t be used in other post processing software.

  4. #4
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    Stuart,I was about to ask about saving my master files. I am a rank beginner,may I ask via this thread please? I'll continue i'm sure you won't object,but if you would like this put elsewhere please say and I'll speak to the mods to get this post deleted.

    Guys I understand the base,of saving a layered TIFF,so that I can go back,and rework or do more to the project I'm working on. But I can't seem to understand how to mange these files or where I should put them. The recent update to PSCCcame without my being aware of it coming,so all the files I had been workiing on and were stored in "recent" have disappeared. the new update seems to have all gone through properly,the one click select subject works etc.

    So really I have to main basic questions. Where does one put these layered files for safe storage until revisiting to complete,where they won't be affected by any updates? Second is there an easy mechanism to switch of automatic updates? I've tried to find something,but what I can find ,seems a bit advanced for me to impliment safely ,with my level of computer skills. I have only had access to DPP before christmas,so I have no real system on image organization bar dates taken and RAW backups. Obviously being such a rank novice only weeks in to a vast programme like PS,i'm missing base steps here and there. Steve has recommend a book i'll grab very soon,but i'm just fishing for these two base things,so I can save my efforts in the right way and not loose that via an update.

    Stuart I hope this is ok with you,the questions are directly linked to saving a master file in PSCC but slightly different. I'm really glad this update has happened and I've been seeming caught out by it(I might still have the images I just can't figure out where). As although I've put alot of time in,i'm learning so much so fast at this time,I dare say I'd revisit anyway as my skillset improves,but later on this could have been devastating to me,so essentially,even though this is a pain I'm so glad it happened now before I really have got going.

    Many thanks


  5. #5
    Wildlife Moderator Steve Kaluski's Avatar
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    Where does one put these layered files for safe storage until revisiting to complete,where they won't be affected by any updates?
    Stu, firstly UPDATES will not affect where you store you files, so the 'buck' stops with you in where you locate them. Perhaps keep things very simple and create new folders each time you shoot:

    Tile folder - Red Deer 5/2/18

    Within that create:
    Folder One: All Raw files (Edited)
    Folder Two: DPP Doc
    Folder Three: Master Tiff files
    Folder Four: Output sRGB files

    But remember, when you SAVE you have to identify the folder in which you wish to save the file, otherwise PS will save it into the last folder you used.


    If you look at the top menu bar in PSCC and go to the RHS Help, click on that and a dropdown menu appears, Updates is at the foot, click on this to Check, however I don't think you can turn it off, nor should you.

    All your files will still be on the computer, all you have done is saved the files in another folder. You should have a search option, type in the file name ie _N1234.Tiff

    One good option using LR & PSCC is that you can do all your Raw work in LR, Export it to PS, apply the tweaks and Save. This then means within the Library you have the Raw & Tiff (Master file) side by side for easy access.

    Stu, I do have an original PS6 manual which I might send to you as the 'basics' haven't really changed and may help you. I'll send it to you next week when I'm back as I'm just up north at present.


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Kaluski View Post
    Stu, firstly UPDATES will not affect where you store you files, so the 'buck' stops with you in where you locate them. Perhaps keep things very simple and create new folders each time you shoot:

    Tile folder - Red Deer 5/2/18

    Within that create:
    Folder One: All Raw files (Edited)
    Folder Two: DPP Doc
    Folder Three: Master Tiff files
    Folder Four: Output sRGB files

    But remember, when you SAVE you have to identify the folder in which you wish to save the file, otherwise PS will save it into the last folder you used.


    If you look at the top menu bar in PSCC and go to the RHS Help, click on that and a dropdown menu appears, Updates is at the foot, click on this to Check, however I don't think you can turn it off, nor should you.

    All your files will still be on the computer, all you have done is saved the files in another folder. You should have a search option, type in the file name ie _N1234.Tiff

    One good option using LR & PSCC is that you can do all your Raw work in LR, Export it to PS, apply the tweaks and Save. This then means within the Library you have the Raw & Tiff (Master file) side by side for easy access.

    Stu, I do have an original PS6 manual which I might send to you as the 'basics' haven't really changed and may help you. I'll send it to you next week when I'm back as I'm just up north at present.

    Steve,my most humble apologies,so time pressed ,I completely missed this reply.Thank you !!

    i've got past my problems thankfully,but the above is really useful. I've had a few PSCC updates since this post and no problems so far.

    Steve again so sorry missing this,I've never ignore you mate tis not me,but I do make over sights can't help it on this train ride.
    We spoke about the PS6 , but thanks again

    take care


  7. #7
    Wildlife Moderator Steve Kaluski's Avatar
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    Stu, no need for any apologies, we are both busy folk.

    Great to hear you are through the thick of it and knowing the history of your development I'm really please, I knew you would, as you are a real 'trooper' highlighted in your determination to learn and succeed. Kit is not the solution, it's just part of the whole chain an I know Haseeb wit's me to post something that may illustrate this, we'll see.

    Don't worry about the CS6 manual, that can go in the bin, but it had a lot of the basics that PSCC has, but more current books are probably more helpful. Just keep reading, re reading, implement then re read. Don't try to run or cut corners as the new steps you will learn and develop will in part, be the bedrock of a lot you will do in the future on auto pilot.

    All the best.


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    Thanks buddy,very much still here chasing the boxing at every chance,but little else sadly
    wise words above,hope canada was good
    take care kiddo

  9. #9
    Wildlife Moderator Steve Kaluski's Avatar
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    Putting the time in, you WILL it Gold, just be patient and don't get stressed, it will happen and probably when you lease expect it.

    Yep Canada was good as always thanks, a bit more snow than here, but that's why we go and a couple of opportunities with a Long Eared Owl in a blizzard, which was nice!!!

  10. Thanks Stuart Philpott thanked for this post

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