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Thread: Brown Hare UK Lepus europaeus

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    Icon1 Brown Hare UK Lepus europaeus

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    Much effort going in to trying to capture the mad march hare antics of late. Much boxing seen (actually a whole plethera of behaviours, un caught, been wonderful) ,but as yet lady luck has avoided us.

    This is one of my favourite areas to see hares it holds the biggest local population I know.We are waiting to find out if we might be granted access to them,fingers crossed.

    So although a feeding shot it was lovely to spend some time with this one. special for me was being in a vehicle ,as my darling also got to be very very close for once with me.Her probs and the nature of this big eared chum of mine means that rarely happens bless this guy an absolute star

    Guys,I have spent quite a bit of time trying to get the mfa set up on the 2X extii,so this is in part another iq evaluation, I'm about 15mins from sunset and shockingly for England there is no sun only lovely dark grey .So basically, shot in poor light again,I yearn for a chance under a sunrise or sunset,but hey I came home with a shot or two ,hence my excitement

    I guess I should have pushed the iso at least to 3200,i'm getting a lot more comfy there but in part I wanted 2500 as I know it and can evaluate better by compariosn with other endevors with this wonderful animal I crave to be with so much. I would have also liked more dof and ss as were were so close,but all this will come with time and effort.

    Processed in dpp4 WB via eye dropper (Tail),, slight NR. pushed tone towards red slightly(a tad unsure on colour, I am !! There is a real colour to them at the mo...... breeding time????????What I feel would be normal representation of colour I feel is different right now. leastways here) Active Af point just boardering left side of eye.Slight crop to rid galvanised gate which I was having to shoot through at first. 1/3200 f6.3 iso2500 Canon 1Div 300f2.8 extiii 2X

    cheers endlessly for the thoughts help encouragement on previous images,

    take care


    Guys,absolutely here I should have had the 1.4 or even bare,I'm struggling to frame, it's ,silly I had time to change The 2Xis considered. I need to know what it can do in the field.

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    very nice! glad to see a cousin of my California bunny posted right up afterward. I like the coy pose, one eye on dinner and one on the photographer.

  3. Thanks Stuart Philpott thanked for this post
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    Lifetime Member Rachel Hollander's Avatar
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    Hi Stu - Nice to see you posting again. Looks like you have continued to build on the foundation you learned last year. Nice sharpness though I might have gone to 1/2000 or 1/1600 and gone for more dof. If it was possible to get a little lower, it might have taken it up a notch. If it were mine I would drop the reds slightly. Looking forward to more.


  5. Thanks Stuart Philpott thanked for this post
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    Story Sequences Moderator and Wildlife Moderator Gabriela Plesea's Avatar
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    Hello Stu,

    Such a cool pose and I like the flirtatious look from your subject - well captured, nice work in the field!

    Lovely rich colours and good detail too. In terms of framing, I am slightly tempted to remove a bit from the LHS. Agree with Rachel regarding POV although I realise it was not possible due to the galvanised gate:)
    Your processing skills have improved tremendously, all that hard work pays off now. Thank you for sharing, I enjoyed viewing - let us have some more please!

    Kind regards,
    Gabriela Plesea

  7. Thanks Stuart Philpott thanked for this post
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rachel Hollander View Post
    Hi Stu - Nice to see you posting again. Looks like you have continued to build on the foundation you learned last year. Nice sharpness though I might have gone to 1/2000 or 1/1600 and gone for more dof. If it was possible to get a little lower, it might have taken it up a notch. If it were mine I would drop the reds slightly. Looking forward to more.

    Rachel thanks,on many levels,wish I was posting much more oft and commenting too,both are wonderful learning curves. My absence is not much of my choosing,but we are very much still clicking away,I also wished I could have shown the edit you did for me to the guys here from the RAW I won't dwell on the why's ,but I do need you to know how much I appreciate all the help

    I feel to pink Rachel, should be more orange not pink or red really. There does feel to be a slight colour shift (vibrance) in them,maybe that is me,but we do spend some time with these wonderful guys and have both made comments to each other on this. Probably I could and shall try to address this better,being slightly uncertain isn't helping. It's not a monitor thing I don't believe it's me being unsure on their colour,whereas I normally am very sure

    Anyway massive thanks Rachel,my humble apologies on the misprint.

    Roger thank you so much,they are a deep passion of ours,big old guys around small dog size and no easy subject to get close too.Very very differnt from our rabbits Roger,much bigger much more tricky to photograph,ironically neither speeccies are native hares brought in around the iron age rabbits by the romans. This one was utterly charming every now and then one gets one like this

    Hiya Gabriela thanks so much, interesting point on the crop I'll have a look in a while,I didn't want to get her too central . I didn't really want to crop anything here,but had no choice,I actually have similar concerns about IQ to you have with your cracking little fox,(yes please love to see more of what you have been up to). All of this series should have been full frame,but here one takes ones chance when one can. It's horrible this fenced world I live in.So having had to crop bottom and RHS I have concerns about going further. Great point Gabby will definitely have a dig at tis.

    I do like to be much lower for hares especially now while the veggies are still short,but little choice

    Steve (bless him he's so cool) is still helping me with the processing Gabby, I have a long way to go . But even though I can't progress to PS yet having a strong base to build off I hope will stand me in good stead later on.
    More than anything at the moment I crave some lovely light to shoot under, winters are tough for us here especially when grafting long hours,it'll come though

    thanks so much every one

    take care


  9. #6
    Macro and Flora Moderator Jonathan Ashton's Avatar
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    Stu well done, you were obviously close, not always an easy thing to do.
    Looks good to me but my first thought perhaps a little red and the darkest parts perhaps a little dark. I have an edit for your consideration. You may think your version is nearer the mark - I not your comments regarding colouration at this time of the year.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan Ashton View Post
    Stu well done, you were obviously close, not always an easy thing to do.
    Looks good to me but my first thought perhaps a little red and the darkest parts perhaps a little dark. I have an edit for your consideration. You may think your version is nearer the mark - I not your comments regarding colouration at this time of the year.
    Jon,thank you very much for the contribution,is that "note" regarding colouration? Not being great with letters I think that's what you meant,but just clarify for me please .

    Jon guessing 8M something like that I suppose,but in a car is not really the same,i'd find it hard to take credit for that,fella was good as gold.
    Mate you have worked up from the jpeg so as Steve pointed out you are working off my errors etc. There is red in this colour but it's not there yet. on everything is starting to grow down here that spring vibrance in greens is just starting to show down here,your grasses look spot on to me mine slightly further away but close,both hares look too pink. Buddy i'm still talking colour as a guy that paints please forgive I should be talking in photographic or light terms,but it's hard to break something built up since around 4years old. My deep concern is boosting the yellow to bring more orange into the hare then the grasses will look way over done,it's why I posted and noted the tone shift,rather than go into the colour pallette in my own edit.

    Greatly appreciate your thoughts Jon ,you post fabulous images of these guys I certainly think you are abit closer than I.but for what we are seeing in the field then we are not there yet.

    John an interesting aside, we saw a rabbit sized leveret,she was with a big ol guy,him chasing and escorting ,so clues at least to sexes. But wow that must have been born late,this is pretty high in the cotswolds too. I know they can breed over an extended season ,but this small now had me wide eyed,

    As time allows I'll dig more at this colour,great to have some thoughts on it though thank you so much for your time


    Point about blacks noted,I feel you are right buddy

  11. #8
    Wildlife Moderator Steve Kaluski's Avatar
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    Hi Stu, looks like you are taking a lot onboard and implementing things, well done.

    Based on the OP I feel the detail, clarity and sharpness is all there, so no need to worry now on the kit, but the 'perceived' sharpness needs a bit more refinement. Would agree that the SS is a bit high, 1/1600 or 2000 would be fine based on the 2x HH, but not sure how much more you would gain with increased DoF. I feel with regard to the low PoV, you needed to be right on the ground, to the point where the hand is the only thing separating the ground and lens, as I have the impression you are still 'looking down', although nice to see the eye.

    I'm currently away again, albeit in the UK so am viewing on the laptop so Stu, like Rogers Bunny here are some thoughts:

    I would up the Exposure by a third of a stop (it now might be a bit bright?)
    Reduce some Contrast
    Reduce the Highlights a fraction
    Open the Shadows
    Refining more of the colour aspect may be a bit more of a challenge?


  12. #9
    Macro and Flora Moderator Jonathan Ashton's Avatar
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    Stu - yes typo I should have written "note". When processing in DPP it can be very surprising how much the colours change when using the dropper tool. When possible try to go for grey to white and in an area that is not going to be influenced by reflected light that would cause a cast. Have a look at the Fine Tune box - sometimes just 1 click in the Blue to Azure direction can give the look that had been eluding you.
    I know this can complicate matters but it is often worthwhile making your "Standard" camera setting conversion and then try one that is "Neutral" and then ask yourself which is the more pleasing result. I also check out other settings but keep an eye on the sharpening that is associated with different camera settings - they do vary considerably - especially the "Fine Detail" setting.
    You may also look at remapping the Histogram using some slight adjustments in the Gamma, look at the effects of the right, central and left sliders, don't forget it is easy to go back to default with a click of the left facing curved arrow at the top of the palette. I am not indicating you would do this as a matter of routine but I think it does help in image manipulation to know as much as you can about what is at your disposal in DPP. George Cairns has been doing some free tutorials in CPN website - they may help - they are downloadable so you can easily refer to them.
    I am hoping to get some shots of hares maybe next week, poor light and rain for next few days.

  13. #10
    Wildlife Moderator Steve Kaluski's Avatar
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    George Cairns has been doing some free tutorials in CPN website
    Cheers Jon, but I have already sent the links last week to Stu, more to follow.

  14. #11
    BPN Member Andreas Liedmann's Avatar
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    Hi Stu great to see that you got that close to the guy and have a pretty much full frame image .
    I like the pose of the fella and i think it does look somehow cute .
    You are doing better i think in terms of taking and manipulating your shots well done .
    As colors are sometimes subjective .... i think the OP is quite ok ....i might drop the reds and open up the shadows and mid tones , depending on the time of the day when the shot was taken .

    Regarding the DPP 4 tutorials .... well i had a look at some of them ......
    Sorry but i am not with Mr Cairns reading his sharpening technique and his way of opening up the shadows ...... but just my call .
    He is talking about to avoid creating visible halos when performing the sharpening ..... look closely at the image in the tutorial ... he does create halos to the file .....if i would work that way .... Rachel would easily comment about the halos .
    Just my view of things , for there is not much to learn from Mr Cairns .I would rather look for Arash / Artie guide on DPP

    TFS Andreas

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan Ashton View Post
    Stu - yes typo I should have written "note". When processing in DPP it can be very surprising how much the colours change when using the dropper tool. When possible try to go for grey to white and in an area that is not going to be influenced by reflected light that would cause a cast. Have a look at the Fine Tune box - sometimes just 1 click in the Blue to Azure direction can give the look that had been eluding you.
    I know this can complicate matters but it is often worthwhile making your "Standard" camera setting conversion and then try one that is "Neutral" and then ask yourself which is the more pleasing result. I also check out other settings but keep an eye on the sharpening that is associated with different camera settings - they do vary considerably - especially the "Fine Detail" setting.
    You may also look at remapping the Histogram using some slight adjustments in the Gamma, look at the effects of the right, central and left sliders, don't forget it is easy to go back to default with a click of the left facing curved arrow at the top of the palette. I am not indicating you would do this as a matter of routine but I think it does help in image manipulation to know as much as you can about what is at your disposal in DPP. George Cairns has been doing some free tutorials in CPN website - they may help - they are downloadable so you can easily refer to them.
    I am hoping to get some shots of hares maybe next week, poor light and rain for next few days.
    Hmm I must of jinxed this thread,with typos john, that extra 0 in my shutter speed is a real pain,sorry for asking needed to be sure. John thanks for your kindness,you guys here are very special,I might just have this mfa sorted finally Jon,but again the offer of help from your good self was so lovely,cheers mate !!

    Jon cool post above for me above cheers for mentioning George's vids. I haven't got through all yet Steve so kindly helped me with,but they are absolutlely wonderful for such as moi. I don't oft use the fine tune,I find the dropper eratic jon sometimes I'm really happy,sometimes not so much! Jon I took WB it off the tail I felt pure white,but might that be throwing things slightly....might that be reflecting more green than it should. I find the colour temp more reliable really jon but the specifics in the fine tune something to dig at.
    I almost always use fine detail Jon regarding picture style,it's a legacy of knowing I can't provide an image on the web of the "percieved sharpness" Steve speaks of. IQ sort of haunts me mate. It's something I will probably not use so much once I can get to PS. It is very difficult not being able to present the sharp from my RAW that folks are used to seeing,becasue I can't work selectively,maybe it's clouding my judgement.... I have done but find most a bit coarse Neutral as Andreas showed me way back is the only other one I've ever really considered as a base to work upwards from.

    Thank you mate cracking post .

    Ahh buddy this light of late, it's so hard. The clouds parted here tonight after rain my 4 owls will be out and I'm grafting it might have been amazing. All the luck for you, I'd love you to grab the chances I dream of. I don't actually know how to read when it peaks here. Steve is closest on the colour but having these edits and the chance to speak to you guys is so humbling



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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Kaluski View Post
    Hi Stu, looks like you are taking a lot onboard and implementing things, well done.

    Based on the OP I feel the detail, clarity and sharpness is all there, so no need to worry now on the kit, but the 'perceived' sharpness needs a bit more refinement. Would agree that the SS is a bit high, 1/1600 or 2000 would be fine based on the 2x HH, but not sure how much more you would gain with increased DoF. I feel with regard to the low PoV, you needed to be right on the ground, to the point where the hand is the only thing separating the ground and lens, as I have the impression you are still 'looking down', although nice to see the eye.

    I'm currently away again, albeit in the UK so am viewing on the laptop so Stu, like Rogers Bunny here are some thoughts:

    I would up the Exposure by a third of a stop (it now might be a bit bright?)
    Reduce some Contrast
    Reduce the Highlights a fraction
    Open the Shadows
    Refining more of the colour aspect may be a bit more of a challenge?

    Buddy I have to dash,please forgive,so pressed. Steve,so much appreciation I will come back asap. Buddy I made a mistake SS is 1/320 light was horrible not 1/3200

    I can make the 2X work ,leastways close,much joy here ,ha you would smile how I got there. Mr robinson of the Heath variety would be proud

    little steps Steve,thanks so much for your precious time

    speak soon


  17. #14
    Wildlife Moderator Steve Kaluski's Avatar
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    Hi Andreas, I don't want to go 'Off Topic', but just wanted to add about the Tutorials.

    For me, if you are just starting out and learning what things do within DPP then I feel these Tutorials provide the initial platform in learning about processing an image and what each 'module' does. These short 6 min videos I think explain things far better than the written word, as you can see in real time what things do, don't forget, you are far more advanced in PP, therefore if someone shows you a path, then you will learn & pick things up far quicker. Images will then be better and so you can then build on that and when time/budget allows, people can then add to their Software i.e. PS. I think there would be knowing reason why folk cannot combine the two, both watching the Tutorials & read Artie/Arash Guide on DPP to maximise their learning.

  18. #15
    BPN Member Andreas Liedmann's Avatar
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    Fine Steve ... i keep it short . I see it differently ...." mistakes " made in the beginning are not that easy to eliminate .
    Cheers Andreas

  19. #16
    Wildlife Moderator Steve Kaluski's Avatar
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    ." mistakes " made in the beginning are not that easy to eliminate .
    But we learn from them as we progress and build on the knowledge. Agree the VT is not ideal on Sharpening, but it may be informative on what each slider does. No one has really brought out a really good set of Tutorials for DPP, until then folks have to use what is out there and I feel VT's are far more digestible and easily absorbed because you can stop/start and rewind.

  20. #17
    Macro and Flora Moderator Jonathan Ashton's Avatar
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    For what it's worth Canon do provide a PDF for DPP, I found it a while ago - took some finding. It is pretty comprehensive but does not explain fully Sharpen v Unsharp Mask and when or if they should should not be used in combination.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Kaluski View Post
    Hi Stu, looks like you are taking a lot onboard and implementing things, well done.

    Based on the OP I feel the detail, clarity and sharpness is all there, so no need to worry now on the kit, but the 'perceived' sharpness needs a bit more refinement. Would agree that the SS is a bit high, 1/1600 or 2000 would be fine based on the 2x HH, but not sure how much more you would gain with increased DoF. I feel with regard to the low PoV, you needed to be right on the ground, to the point where the hand is the only thing separating the ground and lens, as I have the impression you are still 'looking down', although nice to see the eye.

    I'm currently away again, albeit in the UK so am viewing on the laptop so Stu, like Rogers Bunny here are some thoughts:

    I would up the Exposure by a third of a stop (it now might be a bit bright?)
    Reduce some Contrast
    Reduce the Highlights a fraction
    Open the Shadows
    Refining more of the colour aspect may be a bit more of a challenge?

    Steve,my struggle with letters has meant I have lost the post to you made since your email. Exhaustion is starting to kick now ,so please forgive if this isn't as comprehensive. My most humble apologies for the wrong SS maybe I don't deserve the credit given. but that is cool. I made choices,didn't want to push the iso more,as I felt I could evaluate IQ better where I know,these shots were so much about the 2X. Steve for me hares are face in the mud,sure the POV is too high Shooting from a car sort of weird for me lying in the grass with my mate is where I am happy,so this set was always compromised before shutter press.

    thanks for the edit,very close,that niggle not slated,but close Steve real close.

    I'll take on board the edits and try again please bare with me.
    Steve I feel a need to not only say cheers to you but also the group,not everyone will see the efforts given so kindly behind the scenes I try to mention this ,because any credit given to me must always be shared with the teachers.

    thank you


  22. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andreas Liedmann View Post
    Fine Steve ... i keep it short . I see it differently ...." mistakes " made in the beginning are not that easy to eliminate .
    Cheers Andreas
    But it was a man from Germany,who taught me first,who gave his time to a total stranger, for nothing, to help him.

    Andreas that man was you,so I appreciate the different thoughts,as George raised the shadows,so high, I thought about my video from Andreas.

    Andreas different opinions,honest ones, which I always get here,mean I am given choices to learn what will one day be my path. We do NOT all do things the same,this is good. I need to find me as a wildlife photographer in all this,being given choice helps me

    I haven't got to the sharpness vid yet ,so little time,but I will have your words with me when I watch it.

    Jon I know that DPP guide Andreas showed me this.

    Thank you for the comments on my image Andreas points taken on colour and especially the blacks and midtones to be worked on as I have time

    Thank you all so so much
    you probably have no idea how much you all mean to me


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