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Thread: Fallow Fawn so near and yet so far

  1. #1
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    Icon1 Fallow Fawn so near and yet so far

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    I've been totally caught off guard here, I am set to shoot out of the wood into bright sunshine for hares. Having drawn a blank with the fallow kids again i've quietly stalked down a footpath and stumbled over mum and fawn whom we have been chasing for weeks whom I'd no thought of taking pictures of now. Seconds to react my shutter is way to slow: i'm sure motion blur is evident. Hey ho back again very soon. this was probably the chance of a lifetime,i doubt very much I'll see this again at this range. this will go to the "must do better bin",but it is a moment i'll cherish for a long long time and cute or what. It's real tough getting close to these fallow,right now,i've argued whether to share it here or not as I really don't feel it's sharp,but everything is a work in progress for me and this was hard won. As always if I can I like to support the theme so here she is. I wish I could have been lower wish I had more than seconds,but a wild baby fallow bouncing towards one is a special thing ,what a joy!!

    Do i have too much of a green cast here on the little fella? I know it's reflected light it seemed to become more apparent as I converted to sRGB??

    Many thanks for all the previous help and encouragement
    Canon 1Div

    300mmf/2.8is ext1.4iii

    f 4.5
    iso 1250

    take care

    Last edited by Stuart Philpott; 07-24-2016 at 04:04 PM. Reason: hit submit not preview while looking at greens

  2. #2
    Lifetime Member Rachel Hollander's Avatar
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    Hi Stu - You've summed up the problems with the image well. You can post these types of images in the Just for Fun Forum when you feel an image isn't strong enough for one of the Critique Forums. Btw it's not the greens that are too strong but the yellows. I would drop them on the fawn and to a lesser extent on the leaves. Additionally, the blown areas on the ear and in the lrc are drawing the eye here.

    Please let me know if you want me to move this to Just For Fun.


  3. #3
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    Yes that would be fine Rachel,but thanks for the reply: knowing i'm summing up the problems in the right way is still very helpful. I did want to contribute to the theme,but i'll try and take something better for that.

    Cheers for the guidance Rachel

    take care


  4. #4
    Wildlife Moderator Steve Kaluski's Avatar
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    Hi Stu, if you move the Tint slider to the right, thus reducing the Green, the cast will disappear. You need more sharpening applied, but I am now going to a 'crit' so will stop, but try reducing the Tint.

    I'll forward a revise as i cannot do a RP here and it's not mean for that, you can then just see how good the frame is, I think you are pretty good with this capture, it just needs some tweaking.


  5. Thanks Stuart Philpott thanked for this post
  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Kaluski View Post
    Hi Stu, if you move the Tint slider to the right, thus reducing the Green, the cast will disappear. You need more sharpening applied, but I am now going to a 'crit' so will stop, but try reducing the Tint.

    I'll forward a revise as i cannot do a RP here and it's not mean for that, you can then just see how good the frame is, I think you are pretty good with this capture, it just needs some tweaking.

    Steve thanks for the reply both here and via the email. They are very hard to get close to subjects,I'd lay a bet I'll be incredibly fortunate to get this chance again .
    Ahh the joy of it all Steve, you are from my country you know this was hard won , there is a wonder in getting close to a subject that has all senses better than mine on foot no hide. Steve again you have shown me things that have rocked my world in post processing. I had switched of from the deer but was still in stealth mode for the hares. I completely got caught out and should know better's wildlife one always has to be ready for the unexpected that's the bit I really can't forgive myself. The seconds I had is litterally the reason why I have SOOOOO much respect for REAL wild life photographers whom would have nailed this picture. I got this ,there is no doubt now that she'll live with me a while and spur me onwards

    Cheers buddy you have put a massive smile on my face tonight
    many thanks


  7. #6
    Wildlife Moderator Steve Kaluski's Avatar
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    Cheers buddy you have put a massive smile on my face tonight
    Great, but you can now see what you have captured.

  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Kaluski View Post
    Great, but you can now see what you have captured.
    Exactly that's why i'm still beaming now.

    thanks Steve

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