View Full Version : Ferruginius Pygmy-owl

Luis Vargas
06-21-2012, 11:02 PM
Sony DSC-HX100V
ISO 125
Exposición 1/160
Flash off


Randy Stout
06-22-2012, 07:10 AM

A big welcome to BPN !

You will find it a great place to learn and grow as a nature photographer.

Cute little guy, well exposed, even with strong side lighting. Interesting choice of crop. A little too much down in the corner for me. Small in frame subjects often work well at the intersection of the outer rule of third intersections, but this is a bit far to the edge for my taste.

Pleasant background. Wish he was looking down towards you a bit more {better eye contact}

Look forward to more. Be sure to comment on other folks images, it is a great way to train your eye.



Luis Vargas
06-22-2012, 07:31 AM
Thanks Randy, I like to interact more in this great forum but I have trouble learning English, but I will make an effort ... greetings.

Richard Unsworth
06-22-2012, 12:56 PM
Great short Luis, Randy correct about composition but I think its always great to be different as well.
Never did see one of these inCR

dont worry about the English, you should hear my Spanish lol
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Robert Holguin
06-22-2012, 01:35 PM
Very nice shot. I really like the background, great soft light, and I like the pose just wish it was looking a little lower.
Well done.

Kaustubh Deshpande
06-22-2012, 05:09 PM
Big welcome.

agree with Randy. If it had been looking to its left, then looking up would have also worked with this composition I think. Sweet Bg and I am liking the back light.

06-22-2012, 07:16 PM
Hi and a lovely photo to start with, nicely isolated from it's surroundings, I think maybe a bit bigger in the picture would be nice, however it does show the small size of this Owl nicely

regarding your English...I'm Australian and our English spoken here is a long way from sounding like true English hehehehe