View Full Version : Carolina Wren fledgling

Bill Dix
06-13-2012, 05:21 PM
This young fellow is one of the offspring of the singing wren I posted yesterday. Several days before this was shot he emerged from a nest inside a box of old bicycle parts in my garage. (Last year they made the nest in the garden tool basket; the year before was in an up-turned kayak helmet.) He and his siblings spent a few days hopping around the lawnmower and bicycles before finally leaving the garage and finding this perch in my back yard. Curiously, I haven't seen them since, although the adult male is still singing around the house.

D7000, 500f4 +1.4, ISO 1600, 1/640s @ f6.3, fill flash @ -1.7, tripod

06-13-2012, 06:55 PM
What a nice BG (I assume it your lawn), and perch Bill.
The bird and perch seem a little bright to me, it could just be the dark BG, but sharp and a very nice comp.

Sidharth Kodikal
06-13-2012, 11:27 PM
Nice look back pose, perch and bg. DOF is perfect too. Was some work done in the eye?

Bruce Enns
06-13-2012, 11:42 PM
Great look-back, on a clean perch, well exposed and good details, BG is flawless, I might lighten the eye just a tad to get a hint of colour in there...nicely done.


gail bisson
06-14-2012, 06:11 AM
Very nice intimate shot.
Gotta love the smooth BG.
Nice pose and sharp.
A keeper for sure,

Karl Egressy
06-14-2012, 06:21 AM
Excellent look back pose and nice looking lichen covered perch, Bill.

Frank Schauf
06-14-2012, 09:59 AM
Beautiful portrait, great details and eye contact, Bill.

Daniel Cadieux
06-14-2012, 10:24 AM
Nice pose, background, perch (which is not too bright from here). A little large in the frame for me though. They seem to like your house...I bet you are looking forward to see where they will build their nest next year!:S3:

Bill Dix
06-17-2012, 10:01 AM
Thanks everyone for commenting. I'm a bit slow getting back to this one.

Dan, the BG is a large spreading evergreen shrub (some sort of cedar?) in my backyard, that the birds love to use as a refuge.

Sidharth, I did remove the small flash catchlight in the eye.

Bruce, once or twice I've been criticized for over-brightening the eye, so I left it as is. As long as I can see a hint of the iris, I'm OK with it.

Daniel, yes probably a little large for this little bird.

Thanks again for looking.
