View Full Version : Theme Purple fronted Fruitcrow

Richard Unsworth
06-09-2012, 02:30 PM
One hard bird to capture

btw purple-throated not fronted, changed title but doesnt update - may be a new species here?
IQ not too bad but 50 crop and taken into the light

I love this birds call , haunting and I still whistle it 9months later - here he calls its a male!

taken in Puerto Viejo Costa Rica in October 2011

they move in parties through the canopy, very high; and keep company with black chested jays, aracaris and toucans!

7D and 100-400 at 375

1/125 from tripod Ev +1.66, canopy light from front Av mode single spot focus
ISO 800 f 5.6
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Bill Dix
06-09-2012, 03:44 PM
Tough bird indeed. In my limited experience in the tropical forest, photographing birds from below, backlit by the mottled light of the forest canopy, is a very challenging task. Add to that the difficulties of photographing a black bird, and you did well under the circumstances. You captured his throat color nicely, and I like the calling pose.

Richard Unsworth
06-09-2012, 04:04 PM
Hey Bill thanks for that

The one pic on Wiki proves that!

Interestingly its a member of the Citinga family; there arent really any decent shots of it on the net

I just may find a better one...
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06-10-2012, 04:48 AM
Difficult environment for any kind of bird image, let alone the extra difficulty exposing black properly under such conditions. Sounds like a very good score for a species that frequent the tree tops, well done

Richard Unsworth
06-10-2012, 10:41 AM
Thanks Phil

Incidentally not citinga but COTINGA lol
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