View Full Version : Theme Singing in the rain - Orange-throated Longclaw

Tony Whitehead
06-03-2012, 10:07 PM
Taken a couple of years ago at a small reserve on the outskirts of Pretoria. Weather was a bit miserable but wasn't putting this little Orange-throated Longclaw off his singing.
Nikon D700
Nikon 500 F4 VR + 1.4TC
ISO 1600 1/640s f5.6 Matrix +0.3, Flash -1.3
Handheld from car window

06-03-2012, 11:24 PM
Beautiful habitat photo. The comp, bird, raindrops, all very nice.

Stu Bowie
06-04-2012, 01:14 AM
Hi Tony, I remember this morning, I decided to stay at home.:w3 Good look back pose looking along the line of the flowery perch, and I have always enjoyed the OOF BG's that Rietvlei produces. Good use of flash in the rainy conditions.

Looking forward to catching up in a few weeks time, and Pilanesberg it will be.

christopher galeski
06-04-2012, 05:53 AM
very nice image,good detail,like the pose.well done.

Daniel Cadieux
06-04-2012, 11:10 AM
Hey Tony, nice to see you posting! I love the comp here, and the rainy conditions really contrast nicely with the happy singing pose. I'd prefer the OOF stems not overlapping the flower the subject is perched on, but still a very appealing image.

Steve Zamek
06-04-2012, 12:29 PM
This image tells a nice story. I feel sorry for that that little guy calling out in the rain. Background is quite lovely. A little messy near the bottom of the perch, but that doesn't bother me much.

gail bisson
06-04-2012, 04:01 PM
Lovely little bird.
I like the environment and the rain and his slightly bedraggled look.
In a perfect world, the fg grasses would not obscure the purple flowers.
Great look at his " long claws"

Jim Crosswell
06-04-2012, 06:01 PM
I like the singing pose, weighed down perch, details, rain drops and BG. Nice image Tony!

Satish Ranadive
06-05-2012, 09:27 AM
Excellent image. I like the composition and nice colorscheme. Loved the pose of the bird and BG with rain drops.