View Full Version : Grey Wagtail

06-03-2012, 10:57 AM
Taken on a river bank near Buxton in the UK. it rained all day and there was a heavy cloud base, so I was struggeling, having made a 500 mile round trip I salvaged it with a couple of shots, this one appealed to me with the food in his beak and the background he was standing on

Canon mk IV
Canon 600mm
iso 1000


06-03-2012, 04:39 PM
He/she seems a little lost among all the foliage, not sure if a tighter crop would be in order or not, but on the plus side it helps shows the relatively small size of the bird. The bug/snack is a nice touch for sure and if they are anything like the Grey Fantails we have here they never sit still for mare than a nano second, so god stuff getting any shot of one of these without motion blur.

Daniel Cadieux
06-04-2012, 11:30 AM
I like the feel of the image. This would work well with a good crop from above, about half off the empty space above the subject's head. Maybe a bit off the right too to remove the piece of crud on the leaf at the edge of the frame. Is there a magenta cast to the greys?

06-04-2012, 01:11 PM
Thanks for the suggestions, I did not want to crop as I liked the "cabbage Leaf" background, can see the crud on the rt is annoying.

This was the other shot I liked from the set again showing the leafs as part of the shot, (hope thiis is ok to include here)
