View Full Version : Screech Owl

Robert Strickland
05-03-2012, 02:45 PM
I was at a clients house mowing his lawn when i saw droppings on the driveway. I
looked up and there was this little guy, just wayching us as we watched him. I
went home and grabbed my photography equipment and went back and captured him
before he moved into a spanish moss ball.

Canon EOS 7D with EF500 F4, L IS

!/400, f4.5 ISO 400

Randy Stout
05-03-2012, 09:32 PM

I love the expression on this fellow, he looks pretty peeved! Good shooting angle for an owl.

In a perfect world, would prefer not to have the large leaf overlapping on the left.

Good job going to get your gear. We often give up in these situations, and I am glad he sat long enough for you!



Grace Scalzo
05-04-2012, 08:37 AM
Tricky situation, Robert, but you did well. This is a bird I would love to see in the wild, and to photograph one would be a dream. Love the look he's giving you. Good job.