View Full Version : Slaty - tailed Trogon

Richard Unsworth
04-18-2012, 11:45 AM

Heres a shot of one of my favorite birds captured at Loco Natural, Puerto Viejo CR

Unusually close so IMO stands up to a crop to vertical.
Focus was bird in left of horizontal frame on left focus point (re AM, and his excellent points!)

Felt presented better as a vertical due to logs/veggies to the left; of course a little tight at bottom but nothing to add there

Processed using DPP/Nik CE4 - 13 DE/ PS 5 ss 70/0.5, SLIGHT CURVE PULL, added a little contrast

7D 100-400 Stormy and raining, ISO 800 Ev -.66 f5.6 SS 1/160 Tripod
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Mark Itol
04-18-2012, 01:14 PM
Trogons are such beautiful birds, and shooting under the canopy is indeed very tough.

As presented it looks dark, and I agree on being too tight at the bottom. I also wish for some space on the left but as you mentioned you had to crop this way to keep the logs out of the frame. Overall, a nice image given the shooting conditions.

Doug Brown
04-22-2012, 10:01 AM
I like the sharpness, but wish the OOF habitat wasn't so visually dominant; you might try darkening it. <embed id="application/x-exifeverywhere" type="application/x-exifeverywhere" width="0" height="0">I suspect that because of the bright OOF FG vegetation, you left the bird a somewhat dark. Also the shooting angle is a little steep.

Richard Unsworth
04-22-2012, 10:45 AM
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Hi Doug and all

yep too dark so lightened it up and given the BG a workout; better?

I notice your lovely frame from 2009?? c'mon have you not seen one since lol was also slightly highish angle; these do not like coming down to a nice height essentially being canopy dwellers

I tried for days to get at eye level from the ground - I did but have not posted here yet.....

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