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View Full Version : Baboon at Play

Brendon Cremer
04-17-2012, 02:25 AM
A young Baboon playing in the branches of a large Jackalberry tree in the early morning as the first rays of light emerge from the horizon.

Camera Canon EOS-1D Mark III
Focal Length 500mm
Shutter Speed 1/5000 sec
Aperture f/4
ISO 800

Nancy Bell
04-17-2012, 08:41 AM
A wonderful silhouette especially showing all that wispy hair, a face profile and all 4 legs in midair! Beautiful bkgd color.

Rachel Hollander
04-17-2012, 06:32 PM
Brendon - I'm loving your silhouttes. Is this an intentional series for you? Great timing and bg color is fantastic. There seems to be a halo or similar effect most noticeable along the rock on the rhs and the baboon's nose. Also there's a spot/dust just off the lhs rock about equal with the baboon's mouth.


Hilary Hann
04-17-2012, 09:02 PM
This is such a classy image which has impact, action and style. I love the hair detail but agree with Rachel's post regarding the mark near the rock. The haloing in this setting doesn't worry me much.

Morkel Erasmus
04-18-2012, 03:34 AM
High class displayed here Brendon! This is no easy feat and the timing here was impeccable.
I notice the slight halo but it seems to be due to sharpening and not levels adjustments? Easy fix for you...:S3:

could you please elaborate on your technique for the benefit of us all - what do you meter against and what is your exposure compensation setting?

Steve Kaluski
04-18-2012, 05:48 AM
Would echo Morkels comments and the need to elaborate on the technique here Brendon, plus I am trying to work out the lighting & direction, as it is picking up on the RH tree and the tail, but nowhere else????:Whoa!:


Marina Scarr
04-18-2012, 12:34 PM
A powerful image indeed!!!

Brendon Cremer
04-19-2012, 03:46 PM
Hi all sorry for the delay. To elaborate more on the technique, i metered off the sky in manual mode set a high shutter speed to freeze the motion of the jumps and to render the subject as dark as possible agains the colours in the sky, i wansnt too concerned with the f stop as major detail was not an issue due to it being a silhouette. The sun was rising on the front right of the baboon and due to the shape of the tree and the direction of the baboons jump most of the baboon was in the shade of the big trunk of the tree, there was a little light on the back trunk and on the inside of the baboons left arm. Hope this all makes sense. I am off on safari to Botswana in the morning so if there are any questions i will revert on my return.:w3

Lorant Voros
04-23-2012, 07:50 AM
Strong image with action and mood. Well done.


04-24-2012, 05:43 AM
Beautiful image! What a shot to get, amazing!