View Full Version : Intelligent Ants

bhavya joshi
03-26-2012, 12:34 AM
Four Red Ants Drinking Honey.. on Rose Plant Stick.
It was a Setup to brings Ant on steady. I just add Single Drop of Honey on plant Stick near to ants House and I Wait.

Actually Not More I enjoy to take photographs I Enjoy to see Discipline of this ants.
observed that one Ant comes to near Honey drop Notice it. and Goes back. Than Groups of worker Comes Suddenly like Rocket and Gathered around stick.
after Four ants Take the Four side place and Start Drinking. The Next Four Ant Waiting for Their Turn... When They Finished, The Next Four Ants Take Its place. Its really Good To see this kind of Thinking and Discipline.

So I called Him Intelligent Ants. :c3:

Shot With canon 550D-100mm macro.
Experiment at Night.With help of Torch,
Flash on.-1EV

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/522053_397616593601736_100000601962672_1450198_170 7388541_n.jpg

Julie Kenward
03-26-2012, 05:45 PM
Joshi, what a neat behavior to watch! From a photographic standpoint I think a few things would help you here. First, choose a branch that is dark so it doesn't become the first place the eye goes to. This light branch is pulling the focus away from the little insects. Also, I think a different angle, higher up and over the top of them might give you a stronger composition so we can see them a little better.

Ken Childs
03-30-2012, 10:49 AM
Hi Joshi, Jules covered my thoughts so I won't repeat. I do thinks it's worthwhile for you to try this again, following her advice.