View Full Version : Loon..........

Grady Weed
04-13-2008, 07:11 AM
As I said, I think Loons are drop dead beautiful! I waited in my Kayak for hours from total cloud cover to just at peak light for the day, then no light and heavy clouds. They played to within 10 feet of my Kayak. I had to wait for it to swim away some. I like the way they roll, dive and splash around, then pop up right next to you. Like a game of hide and seek. They are good at it.

The strip of light white in the water is a reflection of some portion of a dock close by. It does not bother me in the least. Many residents here are used to seeing Loons in or near hand of man objects, boats, docks etc. Lots of offices proudly display such images on the walls of waiting rooms just like this one. I try to always make uncluttered images when I can. This particular streak does not take away as I see it. What do you think?

Canon EOS 5D, Shooting Date/Time 8/23/2007 16:52:44, Tv(Shutter Speed) 1/320Sec. Av(Aperture Value) F2.8, Evaluative metering, Exposure Compensation 0, ISO 400, Lens EF300mm f/2.8L IS USM, Focal Length 300.0 mm. From the Kayak hand held.

Linda Robbins
04-13-2008, 07:45 AM
Hi Grady -

Your kayak certainly gives you a nice low perspective. I liked your last loon image better. In this image, the pose is somewhat awkward and the head is facing away. The whites are a bit over. IMO, the reflection of the piling is a undesireable. Wondering why you were shooting in TV?

Grady Weed
04-13-2008, 12:17 PM
I would have to respectfully disagree with you Linda. The slight look away, or head turn, to me is looking back over the shoulder. As if to say "is he still there". I have plenty of images where the loon is straight on, sideways, etc. I personally do not feel all images have to have a certain look to them. I like variety. I am sure you do to. :)

As for the white streak, in or out of the image, it does not bother me. TV mode? I couldn't tell you, the dial must have been turned by accident and I did not notice it. I had only used the 5D for a few months at that point and it was still somewhat new to me. I look for those kinds of things now.

Arthur Morris
04-13-2008, 04:45 PM
Hi Grady, Love the water droplets on the face. I must disagree with you Grady in that I find the white strip extremely distracting (and that would still be true no matter how many offices had this image on their walls...) I agree with Linda on the awkwardness of the pose; that and the over-exposed whites on the back make the head angle sort of a moot point... That said, I too would prefer a bit more of a head turn.

Mike Lentz
04-13-2008, 08:18 PM
Not to pile on Grady, but I agree with Linda as well. Keep posting these beautiful birds!;)

Grady Weed
04-14-2008, 05:58 AM
Well at least you guys left a comment. And it is ok you did not like it. :) I appreciate your honest opinions. Thank you Linda, Art and Mike.