View Full Version : Red-crested Pochards Take Off

03-13-2012, 09:23 AM
This is my first post to BPN. I hope it works. Two male red crested pochards take off from the lake in South Bengal, India earlier in February 2012

http://i1124.photobucket.com/albums/l569/Calcuttan/Birds of India/Birds of Bengal/Purbasthali/RedCrestedPochard_5967.jpg

Daniel Cadieux
03-13-2012, 11:26 AM
Hi Sudipto, welcome to BPN!!! I like the action you got here and I like the effect created by the pairs of aligned wings. Just enough separation between the two ducks too. My main concern is the birds in the backgorund. Not the fact they are there (I'm OK with them), it's just that the tight crop you chose made some of the birds either too close to the edges and one of them cut off at the nose. If you have you could add back some canvas...this would also help loosen the overall comp. Tough exposure with the contrasty subjects and strongish light. I'm sure you could get a bit more in the blacks (especially the necks). Still very nice, and looking forward to more!!

Kaustubh Deshpande
03-13-2012, 02:21 PM
Welcome aboard. Daniel covered everything in his post. excellent shooting angle. Please let us know the camera, lens, iso, SS and f-stop. Is this a big crop? All those things help in critique-ing the image.

Ron Sprunger
03-13-2012, 04:57 PM
A very nice image. In addition to Kaustubh's suggestions for shooting information, it would be great to see the post larger. This site allows up to 1024 wide and 800 high. Would let us better appreciate the image.